Author Archives: TaxMama

Redistributing the Tax Burden – and the Wealth

In the course of addressing the concept of people helping each other, and this presidential campaign where the candidates talk of pushing the tax burden on the very rich, the top few % of the population – there’s a great deal of criticism or sarcasm. Marx’s concept of ‘FROM each according to his ability; TO […]

Continue to Network With the Hiring Authority

When a job seeker is passed over for another candidate, they often feel that this signals the end of the relationship with the hiring manager. But the reality is that many employers continue to keep track of their “silver and bronze medalists” and will consider them for future positions within the company. If you don’t […]

A One-question IQ Test

Here’s a one-question IQ Test to help you decide how you should spend the rest of your day. There is a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one’s teeth, he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Now, if there is a blind man […]

IRS and GWU Host 21st Annual International Tax Conference

IR-2008-120, Oct. 17, 2008 WASHINGTON — Senior law professors from The George Washington University Law School will join with officials from the Treasury Department, the IRS, a representative from the OECD and representatives of the tax authorities of foreign governments to discuss significant tax compliance and treaty issues at the 21st Annual Institute on Current […]

Amending to Separate Returns

Today TaxMama hears from Dana in Florida with this question. “I am in a very nasty divorce. We were separated for the past 7 years and for 4 of those years I agreed to file as married filing joint. Can I now go back and re-file as married filing separate? It will not hurt me […]

SEP IRA Contribution

Today TaxMama hears from Nancy in New York who tell temovate online no prescription “I made a timely SEP-IRA contribution prior to the extension deadline. I forgot to file my tax return until October 17th. Is the SEP contribution still valid with late filing of the return? ”

HOA Income

Today TaxMama hears from Jan in Washington State who tells levaquin online no prescription “I am on the board of a Homeowners Association. We take in about $20,000 and our expenses are $14,000 leaving $6,000 to go for future road maintenance. We also earn about $1,500 in interest. Can we deduct depreciation for […]

Social Security and Medicare Changes for 2009

The Social Security Administration and Department of Health & Human Services have announced the new amounts for 2009. SOCIAL SECURITY CHANGES Social Security benefits increase 5.8% for 2009. The amount of earnings subject to Social Security taxes increases from $102,000 for 2008 to $106,800 for 2009. The amount of earnings required in order to receive […]

Be Polite to Everyone

In an interview situation, remember you are constantly being evaluated by all with whom you come into contact. Be polite to everyone from the security guard to the receptionist, and do not do anything out of the ordinary or unprofessional. In 2002, a friend in New York City had interviewed a potential attorney and was […]

The Economy Made Me Do It

1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down. 2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don’t disguise your voice. 3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that. 4. Put decaf in […]