Tag Archives: attorney general

Ask TaxMama Issue 522 – The Book of Life

Dear Family, This week has flown by. We’ve all been so busy. Lots to catch up, finishing up tax returns for the end of tax season, designing new tools for you to use next year, designing a new TaxMama site to replace the old, stagnant version that’s been up for a decade or more…and processing […]

Redistributing the Tax Burden – and the Wealth

In the course of addressing the concept of people helping each other, and this presidential campaign where the candidates talk of pushing the tax burden on the very rich, the top few % of the population – there’s a great deal of criticism or sarcasm. Marx’s concept of ‘FROM each according to his ability; TO […]

Ex-Sisterly Love

Today TaxMama hears from Maria from NJ, who says, “I have been out of the country for nine years and a stay at home mom. I recently had my bank accounts levied, where the only money deposited is child support directly from the New Jersey Child Support Offices. My account was levied because apparently my […]