Author Archives: TaxMama

Find Financing Opportunities on

Despite the billions of dollars placed into the hands of banks so they could re-start the economy by providing life-giving loans to businesses – and to help potential homeowners…hardly any of that money has reached the people who need it. In the meantime, the SBA’ site has launched a new Loans and Grants Search […]

What if they find out my current earnings are low?

They know you had low prior earnings? It could cost you the job or leave you open for a lowball offer. Your strategy to neutralize this is: early in the interview, say, “It’s too early for substantive talk about salary, but I think you’ll agree that I’m lower than other candidates, right? Well, I know […]

Remember when…

All the girls had ugly gym uniforms? It took five minutes for the TV warm up? Nearly everyone’s Mom was at home when the kids got home from school? Nobody owned a purebred dog? When a quarter was a decent allowance? You’d reach into a muddy gutter for a penny? Your Mom wore nylons that […]

Veteran and EITC

Today TaxMama hears from Kathy in New Mexico who says. “My husband has his full VA disability and Social Security disability. I do not work. Are we entitled to the earned income tax credit (EITC)? We do not file taxes. Are we entitled to file for the last stimulus check, or is to late?”

New Jersey Exit Tax

Today TaxMama hears from Harvey in New Jersey who tells us. “I am a Senior Citizen & semi-retired. Thinking of leaving the state of NJ. I heard there is a state exit tax. Is this correct?” Dear Harvey, Whew, federal & California taxes are big enough areas for me to keep up with, without learning […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 481 – Gridlock and Lightning Speed

Avoiding Incorrect Self-Employed Retirement Deductions

FS-2008-24, July 2008 Retirement plans are not just for big businesses. They are also available for sole proprietorships. If you are self-employed small business owner, you can set up a qualified retirement plan for yourself and your employees. If you are a sole proprietor, you can deduct contributions you make to the plan for yourself. […]

IRS’s Latest Hot Product, 2009 Small Biz Tax Calendar, Ready for Businesses

The IRS 2009 Small Business/Self-Employed Tax Calendar is stocked and ready to go. With its professional illustrations, in-depth business tax information, and day-to-day reminders for which business taxes are due when, the 12-month wall calendar has always been a popular item.The calendar is FREE. Small business and self-employed taxpayers can also download the business tax […]

Track your accomplishments

Employers want to see what you have achieved, and they want to see quantitative (not just qualitative) evidence that you have made a difference. Start keeping records of your achievements and how they have impacted the bottom line. Alesia Benedict Get Interviews You’ll find Alesia Benedict at TheLadders – where you can Search 1,577 new […]

Joe’s Day

Joe Smith started the day early, having set his alarm clock (made in Japan) for 6:00 am. While his coffee pot (made in China) is perking, he puts his blow dryer (made in Taiwan) to work and shaves with his electric razor (made in Hong Kong). He puts on a dress shirt (made in Taiwan), […]

Default on Sale

Today TaxMama hears from Tony in Texas, with this tale of woe. “I sold a business and was never paid all of the money that was owed to me. The company closed and went out of business and never paid me. Can I go back to 2006, the year of the sale and recomputed the […]