Author Archives: TaxMama

Ask TaxMama Issue 476 – He Said – She Said – the Vice Presidential Debate

If Restaurants Functioned Like Microsoft…

Patron: Waiter! Waiter: Hi, my name is Bill, and I’ll be your Support. Waiter. What seems to be the problem? Patron: There’s a fly in my soup! Waiter: Try again, maybe the fly won’t be there this time. Patron: No, it’s still there. Waiter: Maybe it’s the way you’re using the soup. Try eating it […]

Don’t Discuss Compensation Too Early

It’s in the candidate’s best interest not to discuss compensation until there is an offer on the table. You need to first get the employer to love you and feel that they’ve got to have you. Once you’ve accomplished this, you will be in a much better position to negotiate your employment package. If asked […]

Divorce Status

Today TaxMama hears from Mike in Texas who wants to know. “If I were to file for a divorce on Oct 1, 2008, what will be my tax status on Jan 1, 2009?” Dear Mike, Does your wife know about your plans? Ah well, all good things must end someday. Actually, we don’t care what […]

The Bailout Bill – EESA

[Note: You will find all working links in the Resource Box below, as always.] Today TaxMama sits here, scouring the news sites for tangible information about the Legislature’s voting over the weekend. What’s the final score on the $700 billion bailout? What else went down while we were caught napping? First of all, the California […]

California Budget tax changes – New budget signed

Courtesy of Spidell Publishing Inc – Spidell’s Flash E-mail #2008-23 September 23, 2008 After a threatened veto of the original budget and related tax bills, the governor and the legislature have come to an agreement. The new budget, which the governor signed today, does not contain an increase in withholding taxes or a general […]

Take advantage of every opportunity to connect.

For example, you might find yourself at a cocktail party and talking with someone whose interests you appear to share. Taking the time to send them an article you mentioned might mean you end up sending your information to the Vice President of a firm you’ve always admired. And now you’ve made a connection that […]

Numbers – Clean or Dirty?

A mother overhears her 5 year-old doing his addition tables. 2 plus 2 “the son of a bitch” is albuterol online no prescription 3 plus 3 “the son of a bitch” is 6. He tells his mother that’s what the teacher is teaching. So Mom has a conversation with the teacher, which yields […]

In-Home Care

Today TaxMama hears from Fran in Maryland with this concern. “I have a disabled sister. She is not my dependent and does not live with me. Some of my siblings and I would like to pool our money to pay for her in-home health augmentin online no prescription Is there a way to […]

Repaying Social Security

Today TaxMama hears from Barb in San Diego who asks. “If I return my Social Security payments that I have previously paid income tax on, can I get a refund of those taxes on returns filed more than 3 years ago amoxicillin generic no prescription e. prior to 2005 tax year?”

Offshore Income

Today TaxMama hears from Mark in Florida who asks. “I live overseas in Oman. I am selling property in Mexico. If I have the proceeds wired to my bank in Oman do I have to pay IRS capital gains?buy canadian finasteride online no prescription ” Dear Mark, Are you an American? Are you familiar […]