Category Archives: Prior Year Returns

What to Expect from IRS Help in 2014

Today TaxMama® hears from KDevo  in the TaxQuips Forum, with this complaint. “I recently called the IRS to get clarification on filing a 2012 1040-X (amended return), with a balance due. TurboTax® did not generate a voucher and I couldn’t find a 2012 voucher on the IRS finasteride online no prescription The IRS recording […]

TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable – March 2011 Session

March 17, 2011 TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable is a monthly live discussion open to all TaxMama Family Members and above, and all TaxMama’s EA Exam and Solving the Tax Puzzle Students. REPLAY today’s session below – you can listen and SEE the session and forms.

How to Get Your Prior Year Tax Information from the IRS

Courtesy of IRS Taxpayers who need certain prior year tax return information can obtain it from the IRS. Here are nine things to know if you need federal tax return information from a previously filed tax return.

IRS Problem Resolution Day

Today TaxMama wants to give you some pointers on how to use the IRS Open House days effectively. People write to us with IRS problems all the time. I wish I could solve them all for you. But, generally, the only way to solve your problem is for you to take action. Here’s your chance […]

2008 Self-Employed

Today TaxMama hears from Aaron in the TaxQuips Forum, who wants to know. “Can  I file taxes for 2008 on my own? If so what forms should I use? I was self employed and didn’t file an extension.” Rita Lewis replies to Aaron. Rita is an Enrolled Agent in Connecticut. She says, you can […]