Category Archives: Medical

Substance Abuse

Today TaxMama hears from Chris in the TaxQuips Forum, with a common problem. “It was mentioned by TaxMama on a news website today that money spent on substance abuse treatment is deductible as medical expenses. My 24 year old son has been in different forms of treatment over the last 4 years. While he was a dependant […]

H&R Block Radio Show – Tax Tips for Individuals

Listen here  –  Tax Tips for Individuals                         Read the script of the show below: PROGRAM 1: Tax Tips for Individuals Originally aired:   Thursday, March 25    10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. EDT Introduction – Tax Mama Welcome and Introductions o        Thanks for joining §                    Introduce hosts: §                    Chris Wilson, Master Tax Advisor o        Wilson has been […]

Exotic Medical Travel

Today TaxMama hears from Kathy in the TaxQuips Forum with this interesting question. “My client and his young son traveled to Qingdao, China last year for the transplant of umbilical cord blood stem cells from my client’s daughter, for the treatment of quadriplegic cerebral palsy, at the Beike Biotech section of the hospital.  Are the […]

Prepaid Medical Insurance

Today TaxMama hears from Elaine in the TaxQuips forum, who tells us. “I have a client that is retiring now at age 55. He will receive $185,000 in deferred compensation. The company will withhold 1,000 for lifetime medical insurance for singulair online no prescription Can the whole $111,000 be deducted in the year […]

IRS News – Seven Tax Tips for Disabled Taxpayers

Taxpayers with disabilities may qualify for a number of IRS tax credits and benefits. Parents of children with disabilities may also qualify. Listed below are seven tax credits and other benefits that are available if you or someone else listed on your federal tax return is disabled. Standard Deduction Taxpayers who are legally blind may […]

Medical Amendment

Today TaxMama hears from Angie in North Carolina. She tells us, “I have already filed my taxes. I had enough in medical bills to file, but didn’t realize until I had already filed. Gross income was $30,000 and my medical bills out of pocket were $2,400 (which is very unusual). Would be worth while to […]

Medical Pool

Today TaxMama hears from Angela in Georgia with this story. “I do my friend’s taxes. Can he deduct an above-ground pool installation that was recommended by doctor? His wife has MS and needs to do exercises. The doctor felt that exercises done in water will help zithromax online no prescription It has not […]

Handicap Deck

Today TaxMama hears from Carrie in Vermont who says, “I have a handicapped son. This spring we built a deck with ramp onto our cytotec online no prescription I have heard that the deck cannot be taxed for property tax purposes because of this. Is that true?”

Medical Eating

Today TaxMama hears from Mike in Wisconsin who asks. “Is there anything in the Tax Codes that allows you to put a certain percentage of your total food cost towards a medical deduction when you have been diagnosed as a borderline diabetic? After all, you do have to watch your total diet to keep this […]

AIDS Unfiled

Today TaxMama hears from Tom in Los Angeles, who tells us, “I am a person living with AIDS. I have not paid my taxes in years, partly because my medical costs are insane, and partly because I thought I would be dead by prelone online no prescription Having survived my friends, it’s time […]

Doctors Billing

Today we hear from a doctor’s wife, with a common problem, (note: I can’t find the original question, so I hope you read this reply.) “We have a couple of doctors who use my husband’s physician number to bill insurance companies and Medicare for services. When we receive the money, we pay it over to […]

Sick and Divorced

Today we hear from Karen in PA who tells us, “ I just got divorced. I am entitled to $40,000 of hubby’s 401(k). I’m permanently disabled and haven’t worked since 2003. I need this money for necessities, but don’t want to pay early withdrawal or tax penalties. Because I’m disabled and receive a pittance from […]