Category Archives: Amending Returns

Re-Filing Online

Today TaxMama hears from Farouq with a problem. “Recently my company informed many of us that they had calculated our use of company car incorrectly and sent some of us a check for the difference. They informed us that we would need to re-file our 2006 income tax with IRS with this new information. I […]

Excess Roth Contribution

Today TaxMama hears from TC a MarketWatch reader, who says “It turns out my income has been to high for me to use a Roth IRA contribution for years. But my tax pro didn’t catch this error – and now I am over-contributed for several years and will face a 6% penalty for each year […]

Deduct Lost Refund

Today TaxMama hears from Bruce in the Tax Parlor, asks an interesting question. “I filed 1997 taxes well past the 3-year statute of limitations to get my refund. Naturally IRS denied my request for my $8,000, saying I had filed too late. Is there any way to get IRS to release that refund? Or can […]

Loss Carryforward

Today TaxMama hears from Geraldine in the Tax Parlor, who asks “Can I bring over a $3,000 loss from 2004 return without filing a 2005 return, since he did not have any earn income – only social security for 2005?” Hi Geraldine, Personally, I ALWAYS advise my clients to file tax returns for each year, […]

Bankrupting Taxes

Today TaxMama hears from Lisa from the Tax Parlor who tells us, “I filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy in September 2003. I owed the IRS for 1996, 1997 and 2002 taxes. This was listed in my bankruptcy but the IRS has no record of it. They also say IRS debt is not dismissed. I would like […]

Recapturing Your Wife

Today TaxMama hears from Cheryl in the TaxParlor who asks, “Can a person go back and amend tax returns to claim a wife who did not have a Social Security Number but has one now? She just received her number in the last 2 months and her spouse wants to amend the last 3 years […]

Amended Return Secrets

Today TaxMama hears from Troy in San Francisco, who tells us, “I made a mistake on my 2002 and 2003 Schedule D. My losses were greater than I reported. Since I already took the maximum $3,000 loss for 2002 and 2003, the only number affected is my capital loss carryover (not my 2003 Adjusted Gross […]

Payments Not Credited

Today TaxMama hears from Jackie who has this problem, “I got a bill from IRS for 2002 taxes. They say I owe $22,000. But I learned that they do not have all my W-2 withholding credited. How long do I have to file an amendment? And should I hire a tax attorney?”

Retirement Plan OverContributed

Today TaxMama hears from Melanie in Louisiana, who tells us, “We received a 2005 1099 R with a distribution code of P because our 401K at work was “lopsided” . The form said we should file an amended return both state and federal for 2004, which we did by April 15. Now we are receiving […]

Do It Yourself Input Error

Today TaxMama hears from Allen in Wayne WV, who says, “I had three W-2’s with the same address and phone number, but different company names on them. So I used Turbo Tax at the last vardenafil online no prescription I added everything together on the wages line etc. I put all the W-2’s […]

Appealing Dad

Today TaxMama hears from Ron in Jacksonville, FL who tells us. “When I filed my 2004 taxes I miscalculated and the IRS sent the Division of Child Support my 00 refund. I was audited and now the IRS wants the $3000 back plus $500. Can I appeal this and is it worth it.”