Author Archives: TaxMama

SB 924: The Bill That Ended Physical Therapy Benefits For CA Seniors

This is a plea from Chris Reed, who is asking for your help. Family, Friends, Current and Former Patients,   Many of you know that I have become heavily involved in the politics of my profession. I am writing to ask your help. We are fighting for our profession right now. I have attached a letter […]

Eight Tips for Taxpayers Who Receive an IRS Notice

Courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service [TaxMama Note: For information on how to understand the letter from IRS, click here.] Receiving a notice from the Internal Revenue Service is no cause for alarm. Every year the IRS sends millions of letters and notices to taxpayers. In the event one shows up in your mailbox, here […]

Taxing Gifts From Three Sons

Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered. They discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother. The first said: “I built a big house for our mother.”

Fight for Your Rights

Today TaxMama® will be speaking with Bob McCormick on KFWB’s Money 101 program at 9:00 am Pacific time. Bob’s theme this week is “Fight for your right to money.” You can listen live in Southern California at 980-AM or via the Internet if you visit the CBS radio website. Your questions are welcome – just […]

Two Wrongs

America on a one-year work program with Disney. At the end of her contract, she filed her 2011 taxes with a tax agency that none of her coworkers used. Her coworkers all received their refund; and she ended up owing the IRS money. The agency made a mistake of having her fill out a 1040 […]

Catching Up

Today TaxMama® hears from Richard, who wants to come in from the cold. “I was in rough financial shape for several years and have not filed a tax return in three years. How do I go about squaring up with the IRS now that my finances have improved?”

It Never Hurts to Ask

Today TaxMama® hears from Sue, who overcame a big problem. To make a long story short, Sue suddenly discovered, purely by accident, that she’d only been paying one of the two taxes required by her city for her business. They hit her with about $12,000 worth of back taxes, penalties and interest. Uh oh. What […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 653 Happy Aviation Weekend

 Dear Family, Our celebration this week is all about aviation, flight and fancy. This takes me back to a rather taxing incident in high school. My boyfriend was a pilot and I loved to go flying with him. So did his sociology instructor, the Reverend Carroll N. O’Dell. When Allen was in Mr. O’Dell’s class, […]

Medicare Premiums and SE HI Deduction

In a Chief Counsel Memorandum (CCM) dated May 1, 2012, released July 13, 2012, IRS addressed the issue of Medicare premiums and the self-employment health insurance deduction.     For years IRS has stated in its publications that Medicare premiums do not qualify for the self-employed health insurance deduction. In early 2011 IRS stated in its […]

Tax Tips for Recently Married Taxpayers

Courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service [TaxMama note – also read about Wedding-Related Tax Benefits, here.] If you’ve recently updated your status from single to married, you’re not alone – late spring and summertime is a popular period for weddings. Marriage also brings about some changes with your taxes. Here are several tips for newlyweds […]

The Care and Feeding of Discs

Disc, CDs, DVDs, etc. (We’ll call them ALL discs, for simplicity’s sake) cost a lot of money overall…though less than they used to. More importantly, if you’re using discs, that means you’re storing important data, files or images, or videos that you don’t want to lose. So, it’s critical to understand how to treat them […]