Category Archives: Tax Scams

TaxMama’s® TaxQuips Inflation Bill Highlights and More

  It’s TaxQuips time from® . Today TaxMama® wants talk to give you some basics about the new Inflation Reduction Act. And some observations.   Dear Family, By now, you are aware that President Biden has signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law. Although there are 273 pages to this Bill, only a few […]

Fight for Your Rights

Today TaxMama® will be speaking with Bob McCormick on KFWB’s Money 101 program at 9:00 am Pacific time. Bob’s theme this week is “Fight for your right to money.” You can listen live in Southern California at 980-AM or via the Internet if you visit the CBS radio website. Your questions are welcome – just […]

IRS Releases New Tax Gap Estimates; Compliance Rates Remain Statistically Unchanged From Previous Study

Courtesy of IRS. WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today released a new set of tax gap estimates for tax year 2006. The tax gap is defined as the amount of tax liability faced by taxpayers that is not paid on time.  The new tax gap estimate represents the first full update of the report […]

Terrifying Tax Tales

Today TaxMama wants to ask you. “What is your most terrifying tax tale? What is the worst thing that IRS or your state tax agency ever did to you? Or the most embarrassing thing? Did your ex-spouse or ex-lover get you in trouble? Or did your tax professional mess up big time?” Please tell us […]

IRS Begins Enforcement of New Return Preparer Rules

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is taking steps to stop tax preparers with criminal tax convictions or permanent injunctions from preparing tax returns. This is just one of several recent moves to improve the quality and oversight of the tax preparation industry. More than 700,000 tax preparers nationwide have registered with the IRS and […]

Beware of IRS’ 2010 “Dirty Dozen” Tax Scams

Videos Dirty Dozen: English Message for Tax Preparers: English | ASL Choosing a Tax Preparer: English | Spanish | ASL For this and other videos: YouTube/IRSVideos Courtesy of IRS WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today issued its 2010 “dirty dozen” list of tax scams, including schemes involving return preparer fraud, hiding income offshore and […]