Category Archives: Change of Address

Moving & Payroll

Today TaxMama® hears from various folks in the TaxQuips Forum and elsewhere with this common problem. “My client moved to a different state while working for the same company. His W-2 shows withholding for the former state, but none for the state he lived in. His employer won’t correct the W-2. What should we do?”

Change of Address

Today TaxMama® hears from Hamed in the TaxQuips Forum, who is quite annoyed. “I sent a change of address form to my IRS auditors with my response to the audit. They ignored the change of address and sent their response to my response to the old address. I also mentioned the change of address in […]

Tax Tips for Recently Married Taxpayers

Courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service [TaxMama note – also read about Wedding-Related Tax Benefits, here.] If you’ve recently updated your status from single to married, you’re not alone – late spring and summertime is a popular period for weddings. Marriage also brings about some changes with your taxes. Here are several tips for newlyweds […]

What Happens after I File?

Courtesy of IRS Now that the federal income tax filing deadline is in your rear-view mirror, what happens after you file? A lot of taxpayers have post tax-filing questions such as what records do I keep and more importantly, “Where’s my Refund?” The IRS has answers for you below.

Lost Refund

Today TaxMama hears from Mike in NY, whose friend has been putting the wrong address on his tax return for years. Of course, as a result, his refund has been going to the wrong address. How can he get his missing refunds back for 2006-2009?

Here’s What Happens After You File

Courtesy of IRS Most taxpayers have already filed their federal tax returns, but many may still have questions. Here’s what the IRS wants you to know about refund status, recordkeeping, mistakes and what to do if you move.

Five Tips for Taxpayers With Change of Address

The IRS offers five tips for taxpayers who have moved or are about to move.  If you’ve changed your home or business address, make sure you update that information with the IRS to ensure you receive any refunds or correspondence from the IRS.