Author Archives: TaxMama

Sales Tax Deduction

Today TaxMama hears from Milton in Florida with this question. “I’m trying to gather all my General Sales Taxes together. I’m also liable for a Florida Power & Light Co. utility bill in which they itemize a cost to me from something called a Gross Receipts Tax. Can I lump this in with my state […]

Tax Simplification and Compassion Recommends Taxpayers Advocate

In this year’s annual report to Congress from Nina E. Olsen, the Taxpayers Advocate, she touches upon areas that have been troubling TaxMama for quite some time. In particular, the fact that millions of taxpayers will be facing potential cancellation of debt issues, hardships paying last year’s taxes, and unregulated tax professionals. IRS Commissioner Doug […]

Recessionary Salary Questions by Jack Chapman

by Jack Chapman How much should I ask for? Can I still negotiate if I’m desperate to take a job? How do I know if I’m overpaid or underpaid? How can I hold out for higher pay when there’s someone waiting in the hallway who’ll work for lower pay? […and they’re just as qualified as […]

IRS Seeks Fraud in EITC

EITC Due Diligence Compliance Program IRS is taking a multi-prong approach to reduce the number of erroneous EITC claims. The agency estimates that 23 to 28 percent of EITC claims filed for tax year 2007 were erroneous and resulted in overpayments of $11 billion to $13 billion. IRS adopted the EITC Paid Preparer Compliance Program […]

Who Did I Work For?

Today TaxMama hears from Bryan in New Jersey, who says. “I lost my W-2’s for a couple of years. I didn’t get a chance too file because of a nasty finasteride online no prescription How do I get copies of these W-2’s, since most of these employers are out of business; or […]

Family Wages

Today TaxMama hears from Lena in Virginia, who wants to know. “In order for a family member to be paid wages, do they have to perform the actual task on a regular basis?buy amoxil online no prescription Or is it sufficient if they are able to perform the task when needed?”


Today TaxMama hears from Kathy in New Mexico, a lucky lady. “I am a housewife. I have no income. My husband has a 100% disability income. I won a jackpot of $1,500.00. I have to pay taxes on this amount. Is this earned income?”

A Woman Will Make it Greater

Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a levitra online no prescription If you give her a house, she’ll give you a zovirax online no prescription If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her a […]

750 Billion Dollars

Today TaxMama hears from Shirley in Florida who had a thought. “If the government has $750 billion to get this economy going again—would it not be simpler and quicker to give lets say 250 million taxpayers (out of a population of maybe 300M) $3,000 each to spend any way they like? We then protect the […]

Rental Property

Today TaxMama hears from Sue in Nevada with a couple of questions. “I inherited rental property and must prepare for the 2008 tax return. Do I use fair market value as the cost basis in figuring the depreciation? Also, how do I calculate depreciation?”