Author Archives: TaxMama

Bankrupt Without W-2

Today TaxMama hears from Andrew in TaxQuips forum, with this problem. “I worked for a company that went bankrupt; now I’m not getting a W-2. I didn’t keep my final pay stub. I have no way of knowing how much I made while working for the company. What now?”

Renting Bounce Castles

Today TaxMama hears from Shaunna in Washington State, who tells us. “I own a small rental business. Is the bounce castle I rent out considered an asset or inventory?”

Taxing Your Patience – The Final Day

HOW TO ENTER: Entering the contest requires the following three things: You must be a free member of Choose a username, password, enter your name and email address and register here Post your question on the “Taxing My Patience” forum You must be eligible for the competition – see rules and regulations here LAST […]

Unclaimed Mileage

Today TaxMama hears from Kim in South Carolina, who has been remiss. “I am a bookkeeper and did not claim mileage as unreimbursed employee expenses last year. Can I claim the 2008 mileage and 2009 on my 2009 taxes? Or did I just lose that mileage? I don’t want to amend the 2008 return if […]

Taxing Your Patience – The Dreaded “A” Word

HOW TO ENTER: Entering the contest requires the following three things: You must be a free member of Choose a username, password, enter your name and email address and register here Post your question on the “Taxing My Patience” forum You must be eligible for the competition – see rules and regulations here ONE […]

Taxing Your Patience – H&R Block Goodies

HOW TO ENTER: Entering the contest requires the following three things: You must be a free member of Choose a username, password, enter your name and email address and register here Post your question on the “Taxing My Patience” forum You must be eligible for the competition – see rules and regulations here Today […]

Computers for College

Today TaxMama hears from Linda in Kentucky with a reasonable question. “My son-in-law had on-line college classes that required him to have internet services and a computer. Do these count towards the tax credits? Also, how would he go about getting the books, supplies, gas, etc. credited?” Dear Linda, In a very odd and inconsistent […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 538 – Stop Taxing My Patience

  Dear Family, Much of my time this month has been spent getting ready to do the radio tour for the Office Depot – H&R Block Stop Taxing My Patience Promotion; and getting the contest set up, so you can ask your most pressing tax question – and 5 random winners will get a box […]

Ten Facts About Claiming Donations Made to Haiti

If you are donating to charities providing earthquake relief in Haiti, you may be able to claim those donations on your 2009 tax return. Here are 10 important facts the Internal Revenue Service wants you to know about this special provision. A new law allows you to claim donations for Haitian relief on your 2009 […]

Do I have to File a Tax Return?

    Courtesy of IRS [TaxMama note: ALWAYS file tax return, whether you need to or not. Once you file, you start the clock ticking on the 3 year statute of limitations for audit. If you never file, IRS or the state can come back and ask for a tax return for  that year, strattera […]

Saving You Money

Better than paper towels and a lot less expensive Coffee filters …. Who knew! And you can buy 1,000 at the local discount store for almost nothing even the large ones. 1. Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. Coffee filters make excellent covers. 2. Clean windows, mirrors, and chrome… Coffee filters are […]

Taxing Your Patience – Day 2 – On the Fritz

HOW TO ENTER: Entering the contest requires the following three things: You must be a free member of Choose a username, password, enter your name and email address and register here Post your question on the “Taxing My Patience” forum You must be eligible for the competition – see rules and regulations here Our […]