Tag Archives: social networking page

Ask TaxMama Issue 563 – Good Choices

Dear Family, Today’s theme was not planned. By coincindence, the very first two stories I researched this morning are about Orthodox Jewish experiences. In case you didn’t know, I was brought up in that community, attending full-time Hebrew or Jewish schools from nursery school all the way back in Hungary to an early admission to […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 562 – Tax Holidays and More

Dear Family, This has been an interesting week. I got to do some political lobbying and met a passionate woman. Rebecca Madigan gave up a perfectly good job to pursue the cause of small business-owners, affiliate marketers, generally, folks who work from home. Rebecca started the Peformance Marketing Association (PMA) to help set standards for […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 561 – Hot Dog!

Dear Family, Never make the mistake of answering the phone in the morning when you’re on deadline. Once you start, you just can’t stop. Usually, I have the phones turned off Friday morning, so I can produce a delightful, upbeat, interesting issue for you. Instead, let’s see…one women got a notice from IRS about a […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 560 – The Advocate Speaks

Dear Family, This morning I started reading the Taxpayers Advocate’s (TAS) report to Congress and completely lost track of time. Does that happen with you, too?  For me, reading is a fully absorbing activity. Books are especially dangerous. Once I sit down with a book, I’m lost. I’ll stay up all night to finish it. […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 558 Happy Summer

Dear Family, It’s my mother’s birthday today. Her age exceeds the number of years mentioned at the beginning of President Lincoln’s Gettysburg address (add 1 to Lincoln’s number). Happy Birthday mom! Except for being in constant pain, she is remarkably spry and independent. All those admonitions to do all things in moderation seem to have […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 552 – Don’t Give Up

  Dear Family, As you read this, I will be on the train to San Diego for a legal hearing. My friends in the area haven’t been contacted, since I have to turn right around and return the same day. What a shame. It would have been such a pleasure to stay for the weekend. […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 551 – Happy Mothers Day Weekend

Dear Family, This morning, as I was searching for a good Mother’s Day graphic on my site, I came across an EA Exam provider running ads using taxmama as a subdomain of his website’s name. Of course, on his Contact page, you really have to drill to find any way to contact him. And the […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 547 – Tax Freedom Day

Dear Family, Today is National Tax Freedom Day, according to The Tax Foundation, who tracks such things. This year’s Tax Freedom Day is one day later than in 2009, but more than two weeks earlier than in 2007. Though, since each state has their own tax rate, your tax freedom day may come sooner,…or later. […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 545- Health Care and More

Dear Family, The phones have been ringing all morning. Usually, Friday mornings I get to work quietly to prepare this for you early in the morning (at least here, on the West Coast). Last night and early this morning the wind blew away all the smog. This dawned gloriously in California with the sun gleaming, […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 544 – Go HIRE Someone

Dear Family, Do the weeks seem to fly by faster and faster? Whew! It was just Monday a few minutes ago. OK, the big excitement this week was Congress pushing through the HIRE Act – and President Obama signed it immediately. Kind of surprised my friends at IRS when I called first thing yesterday morning. […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 543 – Change Your Clocks

Dear Family, Tax season is in full force. Lots to do to meet next week’s filing deadlines (see below, or here https://taxmama.wpengine.com/tax-calendar-2010/ ).  Remember to change your clock Saturday night, or you will be late for everything on Sunday. (Huh! Didn’t Daylight Savings Time used to come in April?) People are sending me LOTS of […]