Tag Archives: Giving

Helping Someone in Need

Today TaxMama® hears from MJ in the TaxQuips Forum who tells us, “We have a friend whose child has been injured, and would like to raise funds for her to help pay for the bills. We cannot afford to file for a non-profit (KY); and don’t know if that’s even necessary for a case like […]

Gift to Daughter

Today TaxMama® hears from John in the TaxQuips Forum with this quick question. “I gifted monies ($5,000) to my daughter in 2011. How do I account for this in my 1040 filing? What other associated forms need to be included to do this?”

Charity for Dying Man

Today TaxMama® hears from Jenenne in the TaxQuips Forum with this sad story. “At my husbands job they just found out that a fellow employee has been given 3-5 months left to live. The doctors say nothing can be done for him. Everyone is scrambling trying to get some money together for him to be […]

A Million Bucks

Today TaxMama hears from Jimmy in Georgia, who just got lucky. “If someone gives me $1 million as a one time gift, will I be taxed on the money? If so, how should I receive the gift to eliminate paying taxes on the money? Should I get it in stock, bonds, or in cash? I […]

Volunteer Work: The Ultimate Interview

by Barbara Safani If you think doing volunteer work is just “filler to pad the resume” while you are looking for a “real job,” then think again. It can make or break you during a job search. Pro bono work can include anything from nonprofit projects to community service and even religious or alumni events. […]