Today TaxMama hears from Wilson in the TaxQuips Forum, who wants to know. “On Form 1040A, where should I claim my Energy Star appliances, that I purchased in 2010?” Hi Wilson, If you can find a place on Schedule A, go for it. But no, honey, the 1040A is the SHORT form. It only contains […]
Tag Archives: energy credits
Today TaxMama hears from John in the TaxQuips Forum. John tells us “my client’s ex-husband filed their tax return online last year and had the refund check deposited into his own account. My client did not get to see the return until it was forced out of her ex-husband during their divorce case.” (there’s more…)
Today TaxMama hears from Chris in the TaxQuips Forum, who puts out a challenge to TaxMama. He says, “Tax mama has advice for business owners. But how does an individual get more money on their paychecks?”
Today TaxMama hears from Jean in Glendale, zoloft canada no prescription She says, “I installed a photovoltaic solar system on our home last spring. We received an $11,000 “incentive” grant from the City. Now, the City has sent us a 1099-G. I thought solar installations were not taxable.”
Dear Family, Well, at long last, tax season is over. And coming up next month, there no tax deadlines you need worry about. Hooray! It’s also the end of a life. Last night, Storey Bonner Cordell closed his eyes for the last time. He’s off to join his wife. All week long, his friends visited […]
Today TaxMama hears from several people, who say, “I do hope we can still get energy credits for the various improvements we made?buy premarin online no prescription We were counting on that! “
Today TaxMama hears from Penny in Wichita, Kansas, who has an excellent question. “If someone wants to take advantage of the tax credits being offered for energy efficient projects at home (like replacing a furnace or AC unit), how do they do that? “