Today TaxMama hears from Anne in Minnesota, who wants to know, “Can an individual deduct charitable contributions and car donations on tax forms if unable to itemize deductions?” Dear Anne, You are giving away your age. Many, many years ago, in deepest, darkest memory, we used to be able to take charitable contributions deductions without […]
Category Archives: *Tax Quips
Today TaxMama hears from Peg in New Mexico, who tells us, “I am into my small business online for approximately $12,000 (began in Mar ‘07) and have no income from it as yet. Am I able to deduct my business expenses from my total income to arrive at a total adjusted income?buy clomiphene online […]
Today TaxMama hears from Michelle in Pennsylvania, who has this dilemma, “My husband was working and receiving $300 a week for 7 weeks. He was paid with a personal check. Do we claim that? Because his boss will not be claiming him, I was not sure. Some people told me no; some people told me […]
Today TaxMama hears from our buddy Blake, who sends us many of the Money Funnies you enjoy so much. Blake asks, “Just where do I forward the spam and scams and phishing e-mails to the IRS when I get them or hear about them? I am particularly concerned about those e-mails asking for donations in […]
Today TaxMama hears from Frank in Arkansas who asks, “What is the IRS position on mileage for company errands that are not reimbursed?”
Today TaxMama hears from Shawn in Indiana who tells us, “My wife is a full time college student. She commutes to school. It is about 80 miles round trip. Can we deduct the mileage on her car as an education expense? ”
Today TaxMama hears from Mary in Georgia who tells us, “I live and work in Georgia. My spouse lives and works in New York. We will file a federal return together. But do we file state returns together?buy nolvadex online no prescription Do I pay NY state tax on my GA income; and does […]
Today TaxMama hears from Peter in Massachusetts who has this question. “I am a 100% owner of my S corporation. I used my car, registered in my name, for my business and commuting. I keep a detailed record of mileage and expense. Can I deduct the vehicle expenses on my 1120S?”
Today TaxMama hears from Gloria in Florida who wants to know. “My daughter inherited a small farm from her father last year and wants to sell elavil online no prescription What would her tax liability be?buy zoloft online no prescription ”
Today we hear from Jan in San Diego, CA who’s trying to help her clients. “We are trying to help clients and friends from this office. Do you know how to file a DUA (Disaster Unemployment Assistance Claim)? The number at EDD is so busy they hang up on you and you cannot file a […]
Today we hear from Robin in Tennessee who has lots of questions. “I am a published author and would like to sell some of my books myself. How do I report this income to the IRS? Does the IRS consider this selling as a small business? And if so, will I need an employer identification […]
Today TaxMama hears from Martha in New Jersey, who found something interesting. “I found a website called and I bought some clothes for needy people. Is that a tax deductible including shipping?”