Courtesy of IRS Now that the federal income tax filing deadline is in your rear-view mirror, what happens after you file? A lot of taxpayers have post tax-filing questions such as what records do I keep and more importantly, “Where’s my Refund?” The IRS has answers for you below.
Author Archives: TaxMama
When I was poor and working my way though college at night, I got low-paying, part-time jobs, doing bookkeeping, writing by hand, into a journal and ledgers. I worked forty hours a week, had time to get two college degrees. And still had my weekends free. I owned a house, had savings and a car, free and […]
Today TaxMama hears from Ed in the TaxQuips Forum who wants to know. “Can I still deduct my expenses on a rental house which sat vacant for 2010 on Schedule E?”
Today TaxMama hears from Magdalena in the TaxQuips Forum with a puzzler. “I would like to know if I can take the Health Savings Account Deduction on my 1040 if I’m a S-corp owner?”
Over the weekend TaxMama heard from lots of people in the TaxQuips Forum with a variety of questions. Either I, or Team TaxMama has answered them all! Well, my friends, We are approaching the final countdown. I have finished all my clients’ tax returns, or prepared their extensions. I have answered thousands of […]
Dear Family, This morning has been filled with last-minute work, finalizing articles for MarketWatch and the blog, responding to students and clients – and messing with interface for the newsletter (I could scream!) And the time has rushed by. I need to run out for appointments, so today’s issue will be brief. We have […]
Public Comment Invited on Recommendations for 2011-2012 Guidance Priority List IRS Notice 2011-39 The Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service invite public comment on recommendations for items that should be included on the 2011-2012 Guidance Priority List.
For months, Mrs. Pitzel had been nagging her husband to go with her to the seance parlor of Madame Freda. “Milty, she’s a real gypsy, and she brings the voices of the dead from the other world. We all talk to them! Last week I talked with my mother, may she rest in peace. Milty, […]
Today TaxMama hears from Julian in the TaxQuips Forum with an easy question. “I wonder if I can deduct immigration lawyer costs from my tax return? The fees were to get me the work permit for my current job in the vilitra generic over the counter ”
Today TaxMama hears from Jelani, in the TaxQuips Forum with a problem. “I have a hold on my 2010 tax refund. The IRS says that in 2007, 2008, 2009 I paid enough mortgage interest to file taxes on, but I haven’t filed since 2005. The mortgage payments that I made were made using the equity of the […]
Today TaxMama hears from Frank Darsi, who sent a link to an interesting article. “Five Ways Taxes Affect Your Car Insurance.” Is the article true? Does it make any sense? Well, since the article only contains four points, not five, we’ve got to wonder about the rest of it… First of all, let me wish […]
Today TaxMama hears from Carole in the TaxQuips Forum, with this interesting question. “Can a person deduct legal fees paid to lawyers that negotiated their debt (both personal & business credit cards as well as a mortgage on their personal home) as an itemized deduction? I’ve read that legal fees for collecting or producing taxable income […]