Author Archives: TaxMama

Goldilocks With a Twist

Goldilocks was walking along one sunny afternoon when she found a beautiful house in the woods. The door was open, so she walked right in. There she found a table set with three bowls of steaming porridge. “Hello?” she called out, but no one was home.


Today TaxMama hears from Seth in the TaxQuips Forum who is recovering. “I had an accident where I sustained multiple fractures (pelvis, ribs, and wrist).  My medical insurance will pay 80% of my bills, which is great.  In addition, I have personal accident insurance.  There is a dollar amount associated with each type of fracture […]

Homes and Attributes

Today TaxMama hears from Cathy in the TaxQuips Forum with this question. “Are taxpayers required to file Form 982 when their Principal Residence is foreclosed on? If so, would they check off Part 1, 1e “Discharge of qualified principal residence indebtedness”? If the Cancellation of Debt for a foreclosure is a principal residence, attributes do not […]

Terrifying Tax Tales

Today TaxMama wants to ask you. “What is your most terrifying tax tale? What is the worst thing that IRS or your state tax agency ever did to you? Or the most embarrassing thing? Did your ex-spouse or ex-lover get you in trouble? Or did your tax professional mess up big time?” Please tell us […]

IRS Announces Pension Plan Limitations for 2012

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced cost of living adjustments affecting dollar limitations for pension plans and other retirement-related items for Tax Year 2012. In general, many of the pension plan limitations will change for 2012 because the increase in the cost-of-living index met the statutory thresholds that trigger their adjustment. However, other […]

In 2012, Many Tax Benefits Increase Due to Inflation Adjustments

WASHINGTON — For tax year 2012, personal exemptions and standard deductions will rise and tax brackets will widen due to inflation, the Internal Revenue Service announced today. By law, the dollar amounts for a variety of tax provisions, affecting virtually every taxpayer, must be revised each year to keep pace with premarin online […]

Putting the US Budget into Perspective

Let’s see how the U.S. Budget stacks up to a household budget, shall we? In order to compare apples to apples, we are using the numbers based on the same fiscal year – 2009, since that is the most current set of numbers available from the IRS. We will show you how the U.S. budget […]

Network Marketing

Hiring Your Children

Today TaxMama hears from Ann in the Tax Quips Forum, with a reasonable question. “A woman pays her 13 & 15 year-old children to do office copying, collating, help distribute flyers, and help put on story plays for their author parent. If she were to hire an outside service, she would pay considerably more money […]

IRS is Wrong

Today TaxMama hears from Bret in the Tax Quips Forum, with an IRS rejection letter. To make a long story short – “IRS rejected his Lifetime Learning Credit  for 2009 because the Form 1098-T showed –0- in box 1. And because his employer paid the expense – even though he paid taxes on the education […]