Author Archives: TaxMama

Getting Educated Again

Today TaxMama hears from Lisa in California, who tells us, “ I decided to return to nursing. I am wondering, what are my tax deductions, if any? When can I start to claim them for my re-education? Costs will include refresher classes, books, etc. licensing fees, job interview fees, mileage, physicals, labs, certifications etc?”

New IRS Collection Financial Standards

The Internal Revenue Service just released the 2009 update to the Allowable Living Expense Standards on March 1. The ALE standards are used to reduce subjectivity in determining what a taxpayer may claim as basic living expenses necessary to avoid undue hardship when the taxpayer must delay full payment of a delinquent tax. The standard […]

Cigarette Tax Hike of 62 cents per PACK

OK, it’s true, I really, really hate to be around people who smoke. Whether they are smoking or not. For me, the smell itself makes it really hard to breathe. (I was blessed with a mother, a seamstress, who used my room as her workroom. She smoked incessantly – and my bed, clothes, books, everything […]

Quick Test for Alzheimers

The following was developed as a mental age assessment by the School of Psychiatry at Harvard University . Take your time and see if you can read each line aloud without a mistake. The average person over 40 years of age cannot do it!buy lasix online no prescription 1. This is this cat. 2. […]

Two Friends own House

Today TaxMama hears from Bill in New Jersey, with this story. “ I am living with my girlfriend. We both work and bought a house together in July of 2008. We can both use the mortgage interest write offs on our taxes. Is it possible to simply take the total interest we paid last year […]

Moving Back Into Rental

Today TaxMama hears from Ron in Reno, who wants to know, “My wife and I have a rental house that we lived in from 1971 to 1979. We have rented it out ever since generic strattera online no prescription Can we rent out our present house and then move back into the rental […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 494 – IRS Dumps Outside Collectors

IRS Seeks New Issues for the Industry Issue Resolution Program

IR-2009-18, March 5, 2009 WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is encouraging business taxpayers, associations and other interested parties to submit to the Industry Issue Resolution (IIR) Program tax issues for resolution involving a controversy, a dispute or an unnecessary burden on business taxpayers. Though submissions can be made at anytime for consideration in the […]