Category Archives: Parenting

Pregnant Mommy

Today TaxMama hears from Lee from AOL, who tells us, “I was told that since I am pregnant in 2005, I would be able to claim that on my taxes and get a break.order diflucan online no prescription Is that true? The baby is not due until 2/28/06. ”

Separate Funds

Today TaxMama hears from Ruth in Oregon who tells us, “I’m a divorced mother.  I think about remarriage, but I don’t think I’ll ever trust anyone 100% again.  Here’s my question.  I think I’d be brave enough to try it again, IF I could put a nest egg (say $30,000) somewhere just in case things […]

UGMA Accounts

Today TaxMama hears from Michael in Alpine, NJ who tells us, “I have several UGMA accounts opened for each of my children many years ago when they were minors.   Today they are all over 21 and I’d like to retrieve the holdings in each account without incurring any tax or IRS temovate online […]

Defaulted Student Loan

Today TaxMama hears from Margaret. “My daughter’s boyfriend, with whom she lives, filed his tax return claiming my daughter and their child for the sake of the EIC. He expected to receive approximately $2000 back as a refund. Instead he received a notice from IRS that not only was he not getting his refund, but […]

Daughter’s Security

Today Steve in Appleton, WI has a question. “My wife passed away in last year. My daughter, age 16, qualified for social security benefits of $621 a month. The check comes to me, as her father. I use it to help us make ends meet. I also save some money towards her college education. Is […]

EIC Dilemma

Today KC in AZ is worried “My ex and I have joint custody of our son. He’s with each of us the same amount of time (every other week), and we alternate claiming him on taxes each year. This year I am claiming him (my first time) and may qualify for EIC w/ qualifying child. […]

Whose Child is This?

Today Christine from Sylvester, GA is being threatened by her ex-husband. “My daughter wanted to spend a year with her father, so I agreed she could go. In our divorce, I have full custody and he has visitation with child support (1993). She was not happy there and came back home at the end of […]

Stolen SSN

Today Carlos from Houston, TX is concerned, “My question is about my father´s Social Security Number. He is not working now, but he thinks some one is using his SSN to work. How can we find out and how can we see the IRS records to see if my dad is in trouble?

I am my Own Dependent

Today Kelly from college wants to know, “If a parent claims a child as a dependent on their taxes, is that parent legally required to support the child financially, in any way? And what is the legal definition of a dependent? I’m a college student and my parents claim me on their taxes, but refuse […]

Not My Wife

Today Bill from Cinncinnati, OH wants to know. “I have what I think is a simple cialis online no prescription My fiance and I have lived together for over 2 years. She is now pregnant with my child and had an income of only 00 last ventolin online no prescription Is […]

Filing Status

Today, Yvonne from Illinois hopes we can help her “I filed for a divorce in March of 2004. We live in separate homes and separate counties. Can I file for head of household, knowing he will also file for head of household. The divorce is not final yet.