Tag Archives: hairdresser

Unreported barter can get you into trouble…

(This is a true story. None of the names will be real to protect confidentiality.) Once upon a time, a very nice fellow came to our office and begged for help. Steve sheepishly admitted that he hadn’t filed tax returns for about ten years and the Internal Revenue Service was a bit unhappy with him. […]

Reporting Tip Income

Today TaxMama hears from Danni in Florida who tells us “I am a hairdresser.buy lipitor online pavg.net/wp-content/languages/new/where/lipitor.html no prescription https://jaymorrisonacademy.com/wp-content/languages/new/research-papers-online.html What percentage of my tips am I required to report?https://jaymorrisonacademy.com/wp-content/languages/new/write-my-research-paper.html ” Dear Danni 100% – ALL OF YOUR TIPS! Why should you have to report less than all your income when every other working stiff […]

Salon Cut

Today TaxMama hears from Angela in Illinois, “I work in a salon and my boss is charging a 10% fee, or as he calls it “administration fees”, for us to receive tips on a credit card. Then our tips are given to us in our paycheck bi-monthly. So we are being taxed twice. I have […]