Category Archives: International

Vacation Home Interest

Today TaxMama hears from Carlos, in Rhode Island who wants to viagra super active generic over the counter “Would it be legal to itemize the interest paid and the taxes paid on a vacation home overseas?”

Recapturing Your Wife

Today TaxMama hears from Cheryl in the TaxParlor who asks, “Can a person go back and amend tax returns to claim a wife who did not have a Social Security Number but has one now? She just received her number in the last 2 months and her spouse wants to amend the last 3 years […]

Canadian Rental

Today TaxMama hears from John in the TaxParlor who says, “I had a client ask how to claim a rental in Canada. He got it this year 2006. He pays property tax and mortgage interest and has some other costs. He also said it was a time share. He is not using it and only […]

Ex-Sisterly Love

Today TaxMama hears from Maria from NJ, who says, “I have been out of the country for nine years and a stay at home mom. I recently had my bank accounts levied, where the only money deposited is child support directly from the New Jersey Child Support Offices. My account was levied because apparently my […]

Foreign Taxes Deducted from Dividends

Today TaxMama hears from Jun in Passaic, NJ who asks. “Foreign tax is withheld from my dividends or other investments. Where can I get a credit or deduction on my tax forms?”