Author Archives: TaxMama

Accrual Basis

Today TaxMama hears from Nunya in the TaxQuips Forum who was advised by an EA “that typically she prefers accrual, but I can’t really recall for sure or why.  She was giving a small [business] seminar.”

Capital Gains Rates

Today TaxMama hears from TW in the TaxQuips Forum who wants an update. “Does any one know how much is the tax on stocks gains and dividends earned from stock.”

Ask TaxMama 581 – Happy Holidays

Happy holidays to one all. Celebrate your beautiful traditions, enjoy your family and friends. Appreciate the miracles, like this week’s eclipse. And give yourself a few days of total bliss. Hugs from everyone at®

Ask TaxMama 580 – The Votes are In

Dear Family, Join me soon. I will be visiting Gina and Kat at the Moms Making a Million Radio Show Friday 8:00 AM PT . If you missed the show, you can listen later. This is a delightful site dedicated to helping a million moms make a million dollars. Don’t you want to be […]

We Have Bush-Era Extenders

Just to get the law passed last night, the House agreed to the Senate’s version of the extender bill. But they limited the benefits for two years, giving them time to improve on the balancing act and refine the benefits. Let me give you a brief summary of things that affect your life.

The Dollar is as Old as the Hills, uh, I Mean Valleys

The Thaler (or Taler or Talir) was a silver coin used throughout Europe for almost four hundred years. Its name lives on in various currencies as the dollar or tolar. Etymologically, “Thaler” is an abbreviation of “Joachimsthaler”, a coin type from the city of Joachimsthal (Jáchymov) in Bohemia, where some of the first such coins […]

TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable – December Session

Note:  TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable is a monthly live discussion open to all TaxMama Family Members and above, and all TaxMama’s EA Exam and Solving the Tax Puzzle Students. Don’t you wish you were here? REPLAY today’s session below – you can listen and SEE the session and forms

Section 179 Commercial Vehicles

Today TaxMama hears from Jared in the TaxQuips Forum,who is confused. “What are the guidelines for writing off a new commercial van?  I need a big deduction. Can I write off the whole thing? I have been to many sites – and even the IRS site is augmentin online no prescription I thought […]

Mortgage Insurance Deduction

Today TaxMama hears from Christy in the TaxQuips Forum,with this question. “Just wondering if mortgage insurance would be deductible if not included on form 1098 from the lender?  The client purchased the home in 2007 and has a loan balance for 09 of $215,000.00.  It is their only home. He and his family reside in […]

Ask TaxMama 579 – Holding Our Breath

Dear Family, Join me soon. We will be teaching  IRS Practice Series: The Un-agreed Collection Alternatives and Appeals at 9:00 am PT TODAY!. Happy birthday to my brother David – and Dame Judi Dench. Two wonderful people, born on the same day. Of course, in my brother’s case, his birth certificate shows the wrong date.  […]

IRS Expands Use of Twitter to Help Taxpayers, Tax Professionals

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced the availability of expanded Twitter feeds to share timely information with taxpayers and the tax professional community. The IRS Twitter news feed, @IRSnews, provides the latest federal tax news and information for taxpayers. The focus of the IRS Twitter messages will be on easy-to-use information, including tax tips, […]

Keeping up With the Times

When I bought my Blackberry I thought about the 30-year business I ran with 1800 employees, all without a cell phone that plays music, takes videos, pictures and communicates with Facebook and Twitter. I signed up under duress for Twitter and Facebook, so my seven kids, their spouses, 13 grandkids and 2 great grand kids […]