Author Archives: TaxMama

What is Half of the Homebuyers Credit?

Today TaxMama has been fighting the good fight for the rights of homeowners who filed for the homebuyers tadalafil online no prescription   The latest issue? When a married person files a separate tax return, how much is half the homebuyer’s credit? Is it based on half the purchase price of the house? […]

Proposed Congressional Reform Act of 2011

TaxMama Note: This proposal is making it’s way across the Web via email. There’s a lot of wisdom in this, it you really look at the original intent of the Founding Fathers. They envisioned Congress being a citizen’s duty. Go to the Capitol for a while, serve as the spokesperson for the needs of your state […]

Coaching Expenses

Today TaxMama hears from Mimi in the TaxQuips Forum who tells us. “My husband coaches my son’s Little League and travel basketball team.  Occasionally, he buys equipment for the team’s use and hosts an after-season party, complete with pizza, cake and beverage.  Some of these expenses are not reimbursed by the league.  Are these deductible?  How about […]

Vacation to Orlando

Today TaxMama hears from Shaun in the TaxQuips Forum who wants to write off his vacation. “My son and I are traveling to Florida. I have a property in Jacksonville, FL that I need to check on. Can I fly in and out of Jacksonville to take care of business? Then drive to Orlando for […]

Phooey on FUTA

Today TaxMama hears from Terri in the TaxQuips Forum with a question. “I am a California business. Each year we did an annual return for Federal Unemployment tax (FUTA) taxes as a reconciliation for the payments we make each quarter.  We did the same annual return for CA SUI.  Beginning in 2011 The State of […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 603 – Success and Failure

  Dear Family,  You’ve heard the old Chinese (or is it Jewish) curse – may you live in interesting times!   This week, I am.  One of the things I write about in the very first chapter of Small Business Taxes Made Easy is failing because of success. It’s a warning to business-owners to make provisions […]

Taxpayer Representation, Tax Prep/Practice Management, SEE Review

  [TaxMama Recommendation – you will find THE best, in-depth training for taxpayer representation at NTPI. And if you want a quick, in-person, EA Exam Review course – take this one. Enjoy the NAEA conference! ] Taxpayer Representation, Tax Prep/Practice Management, SEE Review — all at the 2011 NAEA National Conference! NAEA earned its reputation for […]

275,000 Organizations No Longer Tax Exempt

Courtesy of IRS: IRS Identifies Organizations that Have Lost Tax-Exempt Status; Announces Special Steps to Help Revoked Organizations WASHINGTON –– The Internal Revenue Service today announced that approximately 275,000 organizations under the law have automatically lost their tax-exempt status because they did not file legally required annual reports for three consecutive years. The IRS believes […]

Texas Ladies Feel Safe

While out running errands, an elderly lady was stopped by a highway patrolman.    He asked for her drivers license and insurance.  The lady took out the required papers and handed them to the patrolman.

Crazy Cat Lady Takes On IRS

By David Stone, EA [TaxMama Note: This is the where I first read about the Tax Court case referenced in today’s TaxQuip.  Thanks David! ] Every town has a crazy cat lady, with way too many cats littering her property. Neighborhood kids walk past the house and wonder if it’s haunted. Adults drive past and […]

Deducting the Class Snake

Today TaxMama hears from Susan in the TaxQuips Forum with a fun case. “Assuming that I won’t make my son pay for it out of his allowance, for volunteering me to take care of the class snake for the summer… Can I deduct the cost of the frozen rats it eats? And what about if […]

Kicking Back Commissions

Today TaxMama hears from SB in the TaxQuips Forum with a common problem. “As a real estate professional, I had to kick back some commissions to a buyer to close a sale. But I am getting the 1099-MISC for the full commission. Can I give the buyer a 1099-MISC for the commission I paid her? […]