Author Archives: TaxMama

Tax Deductions for Scuba Diving

  Article reprinted with the permission of W. Murray Bradford, CPA   QUESTION:  I sell property and casualty insurance in Florida. I also like to scuba dive. I would like your opinion on whether or not the following is deductible. I  spent five hours with a prospect. First we went on a dive, then we […]

IRS Increases 2011 Mileage Rates

 Courtesy of IRS The following standard mileage rates will apply: January 1 – June 30:  51 cents per mile for business miles driven July 1 – December 31:  55.5 cents per mile for business miles driven January 1 – June 30: 19 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes  July 1 – December […]

This is How it All Began, Really

In ancient Israel , it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a young wife by the name of Dot. And Dot Com was a comely woman, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she was often called Amazon Dot Com. And she said unto […]

He Bought the Farm

Today TaxMama hears from Barb in the TaxQuips Forum with a simple question.  “The farmer is selling his farm, and everything on it, to his son for $1.  The basis of the farm and the machinery is approx $100,000 and FMV approx $510,000. How do I file their Form 4797?buy Glucophage online no prescription

Bride Files Alone

Today TaxMama hears from Nancy in the TaxQuips Forum with several questions.  “I am to be married this year. I am going to file as married, filing separately (MFS).  Can I claim my husband since he is disabled and collecting social security disability? Also I understand that I cannot mix the standard deduction and itemizing on […]

Bonus Depreciation

   Today TaxMama hears from Scott in the TaxQuips Forum with this question.  “How long would you have to keep a business vehicle to take advantage of bonus depreciation deductions? What if I sold a new business use vehicle after three years, are there penalties?

The IRS Loosens up and Asks for Feedback

The IRS has been busy this week, providing more time for financial professionals who had signature authority over clients’ overseas accounts through 2008 (before 2009) to catch up on reporting requirements to comply with FBAR disclosures. They now have until November 1, 2011.   As a result of all the disasters in Missouri earlier this year, […]

Your Invisible Impact

Next week, I have a high school reunion coming up. (Never mind what number it is – know that it is a big number!) I was privileged to attend the best public high school in Los Angeles (at least in my opinion) – Fairfax High School. Looking at the notes from my classmates brings back […]

TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable – June 2011 Session

TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable is a monthly live discussion open to all TaxMama Family Members and above, and all TaxMama’s EA Exam and Solving the Tax Puzzle Students. REPLAY today’s session below – you can listen and SEE the session and forms. Today’s topics included: –- S Corp vs Sched C -– New client didn’t salary, […]