Author Archives: TaxMama

Ask TaxMama Issue 628 – Cheery Cherry Month

Dear Family, This is SuperBowl Weekend. The world will come to halt while sports fans eat, watch, and cheer for their favorite teams. This event is one of the highest grossing events for advertising revenue – while the show’s sponsors try to outdo each other with the best SuperBowl ads. They are such works of […]

IRS Identity Theft Crackdown Sweeps Across the Nation; More than 200 Actions Taken in Past Week in 23 States

Courtesy of the IRS.  For more information, see the Special Identity Theft Enforcement Efforts – 2012 page. See related article about IP PIN at this weekend. WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department today announced the results of a massive national sweep cracking down on suspected identity theft perpetrators as part […]

The Paychex Top 12 in ’12: Potential Regulatory Changes Every Small Business Needs to Know About in the New Year

Paychex, Inc., one of the nation’s leading providers of payroll, human resource, and employee benefits solutions for small and medium-sized businesses, today released its top 12 in ’12 list, containing the top 12 potential regulatory changes that America’s small businesses need to know about in 2012. Paychex works closely with the IRS and other government […]

School Daze

You may remember the story – the one about the woman who shook her son awake in the morning. “Get up and get ready for school,” she urged.  “You’re going to be late!” “Ah, Mom,” he pleaded “I don’t want to go to school. The kids don’t like me. The teachers are against me. Even […]

Moved out Too Soon

Today TaxMama® hears from Elisa in the TaxQuips Forum with this question. “I purchased a home in 2009 getting a first-time homebuyers credit. I lived in it for 1 year.  I moved to be closer to work and am renting an apartment. I have been renting my house out since July 2010.  How will me […]

Deducting Uniforms

  Today TaxMama® hears from our friend Kristi who is starting a new job. “My new job requires me to wear brown pants and either a certain green or blue shirt.  I would only wear these clothes for work.  Does that qualify as a uniform?”  

Delivering Newspapers

Today TaxMama® hears from Trina in the Tax Quips Forum who wasn’t an employee. “I started working for a newspaper company over the summer of 2011, delivering papers to homes using my own vehicle. The company did give me company checks, but they did not take any taxes out. I believe they called their employees […]

Child Support Payment

  Today TaxMama® hears from Danny in the Tax Quips Forum with this question. “My kids stay with their mother from Sunday noon until Thursday noon; then stay with me from Thursday noon until Sunday noon. I pay $140 monthly in child support. Can I claim them in my taxes?”

Ask TaxMama Issue 627 – Bubbling Over

 Dear Family,  Earlier today, IRS announced that electronic refunds are on target. People can expect to find them in your bank accounts within about 10 days. But, some refunds will be delayed. IRS is beefing up the fraud detection system. Returns with Earned Income Credits, American Opportunity Credits and other refundable credits will take a […]

IRS Reminds Parents of Ten Tax Benefits

Your kids can be helpful at tax time. That doesn’t mean they’ll sort your tax receipts or refill your coffee, but those charming children may help you qualify for some valuable tax benefits. Here are 10 things the IRS wants parents to consider when filing their taxes this year.

Free Tax Help Available Nationwide

Courtesy of the IRS [TaxMama note: Read this in conjunction with today’s MarketWatch article – How to file your taxes for free WASHINGTON — Over 12,000 free tax preparation sites will be open nationwide this year as the Internal Revenue Service continues to expand its partnerships with nonprofit and community organizations providing vital tax preparation […]

Hell – As Explained By A Chemistry Student

The following claims to be a question given on a  University of Arizona  chemistry mid-term, and an answer turned in by a student.  The answer by one student was so ‘profound’ that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as […]