Author Archives: TaxMama

Adding to 401K

Today TaxMama hears from Joe in Texas with this augmentin online no prescription “Is it legal to add to your 401K after you retire and you are not working? Suppose you earn money at post retirement employment?”

Disaster Loss

Today TaxMama hears from Debbie in Washington State who tells us, “We were affected by a Federally acknowledged disaster in December of 2007. The repair costs are in 2008, but I can’’t find where to claim them. What do I do?”

IRS Grants Minnesota, North Dakota Flood Victims until May 15 To File Tax Returns, Make Payments

IR-2009-32, April 2, 2009 WASHINGTON —Victims of severe flooding in Minnesota and North Dakota have an extra 30 days, until May 15, to file their 2008 individual tax returns and pay any taxes due, the Internal Revenue Service announced today. Because the flooding has occurred within close proximity to April 15 –– the nation’s tax […]

Special Tax Break Available for New Car Purchases This Year

IR-2009-30, March 30, 2009 WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced today that taxpayers who buy a new passenger vehicle this year may be entitled to deduct state and local sales and excise taxes paid on the purchase on their 2009 tax returns next year. “For those thinking about buying a new car this year, […]

The Half-Wit Worker

A man owned a small farm. The State Wage & Hour Department claimed he was not paying proper wages to his help and sent an agent out to interview him. ‘I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them,’ demanded the agent. ‘Well,’ replied the farmer, ‘there’s my farm hand who’s […]

Deposit on House

Today TaxMama hears from Sheila in Pennsylvania with this question. “My daughter gave a personal friend $8,000.00 & signed a sale of agreement to purchase a house owned by the friend. After getting the money, the person changed her mind & said she would put the house in the hands of a real estate agent. […]

SSDI and Disability Income

Today TaxMama hears from Amy in Massachusetts who is worried. “I have been on disability benefits through a private policy and the benefits were not taxable. Now SSDI is going to pay a lump sum for back payments. Afterwards, I will be receiving about ½ my income from SSDI and ½ my income from the […]

How to Waste First Time Homebuyers Credit

Today TaxMama hears from Kevin in Ohio who wants proof. “I want to buy my first home before December 1, 2009, but not move into it until April 2010. Do I actually have to be living in it by November 30, 2009 to qualify for the First-Time Homebuyers Credit? Is there some written proof? I […]

First $2,400 of Unemployment Benefits Tax Free for 2009

IR-2009-29, March 26, 2009 WASHINGTON — All or part of unemployment benefits received in 2009 will be tax free for many unemployed workers, according to the Internal Revenue Service. “This morning we learned that a record 5.6 million people were receiving unemployment benefits in the middle of March. This underscores the need for the relief […]