Today TaxMama® wants to bring wasted refunds to your attention. The IRS keeps sending out announcements that refunds are expiring. People keep ignoring those announcements, thinking that this doesn’t apply to them.
Last week’s TaxWatch column at MarketWatch.com tells some stories of people who lost their refunds because…shrug, I just can’t be bothered to file right now.
Please – read that column and pass it on to your friends or family members who aren’t filing.
Let me tell you another story – about someone making close to minimum wage, who also just didn’t bother. One day, this fellow got disabled. He wasn’t in a position to collect either disability or unemployment (OK…through sheer stupidity.) But we were able to persuade him to catch up on his previously un-filed returns (there were at least 7 years unfiled). For the years that were still open, we were able to get him quick refunds of over $3000 . But…for the other years…all gone. And let me tell you, when you are unemployed, sick and have no income coming in, that lost $4000 can make a big difference! It took another 2-3 years before he was able to resolve his medical issues and start getting SSI and VA help. (Don’t ask.)
Every tax professional I know has more stories. So do I…like the doctor living in his car with his two children; or the dementia victim whose bank moved and he couldn’t pay his mortgage or file his taxes, or…folks who will break your heart.
Please, don’t be one of those statistics. Please, FILE YOUR UNFILED RETURNS! Or help someone you love catch up.
Remember, you can find answers to all kinds of questions about tax refunds and other tax and business issues, free. Where? Where else? At www.TaxMama.com.
And Remember, if YOU have questions, please post them into the TaxQuips Forum – just click on Ask A Question. (Family members – use this.)
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