Today TaxMama hears from Lynne in Mansfield, Texas, who says, “I received a notice that payment is owed. Will I be able to file my taxes and have them take the amount out that is owed? And still receive a refund?” ~~~~ Dear Lynne, Well, that must be depressing. I can’t answer you since I […]
Tag Archives: Tax refund
Today TaxMama wants to talk to you about those quarterly estimated tax valtrex online no prescription Since that’s the most popular page being accessed this weekend, perhaps this is a good time to explain how they work and when they are due, don’t you think?
Today Christine from Sylvester, GA is being threatened by her ex-husband. “My daughter wanted to spend a year with her father, so I agreed she could go. In our divorce, I have full custody and he has visitation with child support (1993). She was not happy there and came back home at the end of […]
Today Barry from Richmond, VA is upset because he got a letter from IRS refusing to give him his refunds. “Is there any way to file for and get tax refunds for years that are past the ‘3 year refund limit’?”