Tag Archives: tax podcast


Today TaxMama® hears from TaxSeason in the TaxQuips Forum, with this question.  “Is there an easy or quick way to figure the commuting miles for people who file a Schedule C? (ie…5% of business miles)?”

Collecting a Debt

Today TaxMama® hears from Joe in the TaxQuips Forum, with a reasonable question.  “I am going after an ex client that owes me $11K. Once you get the judgment how do you go after their assets? Does a lawyer handle that?”

Do I Still Owe?

Today TaxMama® hears from TacoBrielle in the TaxQuips Forum, with a common misconception.  “I can’t seem to get a definitive answer about this, so I’m asking here.https://www.parkviewortho.com/wp-content/languages/new/fluoxetine.html I filed my federal return with a refund amount of $1,132. This refund went to the IRS for previous tax debt that was still owed to them.https://www.parkviewortho.com/wp-content/languages/new/propecia.html However, […]

Extra Tuition 1098-T

Today TaxMama® hears from tbachrodt in the TaxQuips Forum, with this question.  “I recently filed my taxes. I am already receiving the American Opportunity Credit and Lifetime Credit. I just received an additional 1098T in the mail that I forgot was coming. Do I need to file an amended return, even though I am already […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 673 – Be my Valentine

Dear Family, We’ve answered a lot of questions this week. They just flooded in from all over, between Yahoo! and KFWB, and MarketWatch and Equifax, the articles and interviews were out there, with new people finding a resource.

Missing Your W-2? Here’s What to Do

IRS Intensifies National Crackdown on Identity Theft

Courtesy of the Internal Revenue Service [TaxMama note: Did THIS ever happen to you? If you were the victim of tax identity last year, make SURE you get your special Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) from the IRS so no one can steal your refund by pretending to be you.] WASHINGTON — Continuing a year-long enforcement […]

Wisdom of the (S)ages

There will always be death and taxes; however, death doesn’t get worse every year. I am having an out of money experience.

Who Reports the 1099-C?

Today TaxMama® hears from Goran in the TaxQuips Forum, with this issue.  “My client and his mom were on the mortgage together. That property went through foreclosure. Naturally, they file separate tax returns. Which one will report the 1099-C?https://www.sinverrugasylunares.com/wp-content/languages/new/fluoxetine.html ”

Common Law Divorce

Today TaxMama® hears from Susan in the TaxQuips Forum, with an unusual question.  “PA recognizes common law marriages if they started before ’05.  So, if they are now separated, are they doomed to the MFS status until a judge signs a divorce decree?https://londonbes.education/Media/new/research-paper-services.html Or, since nothing was filed with the state to begin with can […]

Post your Tax Questions here

While the TaxQuips Forum is down, please…use this area to post your questions.   Yaay!!! The TaxQuips Forums are back up! You can now post.

S Corporation Overview

Today TaxMama® hears from someone in the TaxQuips Forum, who keeps asking similar questions about California LLCs and Canadian Limiteds owning an S Corp.  So, let me tell you a little bit about S Corporation rules.