Tag Archives: Internal Revenue Service

Let’s Reward Our Health Care Professionals

Affordable Care Act Provides Expanded Tax Benefit to Health Professionals Working in Underserved Areas  WASHINGTON — As part of a larger Administration announcement on efforts to strengthen the health care workforce, the Internal Revenue Service today announced that under the Affordable Care Act health care professionals who received student loan relief under state programs that […]

Saving Your Homebuyer Credit

Today TaxMama hears from Kerry Tomlinson at KATU News in Portland, Oregon. Kerry tell us. “We heard from some viewers this morning about their experiences with the homebuyer tax credit. One woman says she was disqualified because she was deducting mortgage interest on an RV as a second home. She has fought it, providing documentation to […]

In Your Appointment Book

Today TaxMama hears from Tana from Ventura from the Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC) meeting. Tana says. “I had hoped to see what sort of things you actually found important to write in your calendar. I assume this is information a competent and knowledgeable tax professional can convey.”

Why Your Business Needs A Tax Pro, Part 2

So, How Do I Know They Know Their Stuff? Simple: Ask questions. Ah, but what questions? The truth is that you need to begin the process by determining which colors in the financial spectrum are relevant to your enterprise. Doing your homework before you contact a tax professional–and being specific about the areas in which […]

Why Your Business Needs A Tax Pro, Part 1

How’s Your Crystal Ball?  You’re a savvy entrepreneur and you’re smart about your money, but you’ve found yourself over your head with the IRS. There’s no need to be embarrassed about admitting that you need help sorting out your finances.  The real shame is in hiring the wrong hired gun to tame the taxman. Choose […]

Amending Tax Returns

Today TaxMama hears from Amy in the TaxQuips Forum with a common type of question. “My sister is amending her tax return to claim the homebuyers credit. But the original tax return had a ream of ages. Does she need to include them all with the Form 1040X amended tax return?”

IRS Open House – Saturday June 5th!

Open House Saturday June 5 to Help Taxpayers Solve Problems and Respond to Notices  WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service will once again host a special nationwide open house on Saturday, June 5 to help taxpayers solve tax problems and respond to notices from the IRS. [TaxMama Note – For tips on how to use […]

eBay Sellers Audit Target

Today TaxMama hears from Robert in the TaxQuips Forum with this inquiry.buy augmentin online cpff.ca/wp-content/languages/new/canadaa/augmentin.html no prescription “I read in a Washington Post article that eBay will now start sending sellers with more than 200 transactions a 1099-K form so that they have to pay taxes on their eBay selling.  I have over 200 transactions. […]

ES Payments Without Income

Today TaxMama hears from Steve in the TaxQuips Forum with a timely question.buy uk albuterol online www.mabvi.org/wp-content/languages/new/uk/albuterol.html no prescription He says. “I started paying estimated taxes in the first quarter of this year.buy Nootropil generic buybloinfo.com over the counter But I haven’t earned any income this quarter, except unemployment – from which they took withholding. […]