Author Archives: TaxMama

Are you Ready for Tax Season?

Will you be able to identify the tax issues and provisions that may impact your clients’ tax returns? Make sure you understand all the key tax changes effective in 2010 by attending this highly-rated Federal Tax Update webcast series from CPE Link. Delivered in four 4-hour sessions, this highly entertaining program will be team taught […]

IRS Warnings about new Phishing Scams

How to Report and Identify Phishing, E-mail Scams and Bogus IRS Web Sites The IRS does not initiate taxpayer communications through e-mail. The IRS does not request detailed personal information through e-mail. The IRS does not send e-mail requesting your PIN numbers, passwords or similar access information for credit cards, banks or other financial accounts. […]

Sage Sayings

 1 – I’d kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.    2 – Borrow money from pessimists — they don’t expect it back.    3 – Half the people you know are below average.

Not Ready to File

Today TaxMama  wants to give you a nudge to file that tax return – even if you owe money!

Last Minute E-Filing

      Today TaxMama  wants to give you a tip about efiling at the last minute.   Dear Family, Yesterday, as we were frantically trying to efile tax returns during the last few days of tax season, we got a really bizarre rejection notice. A couple, who have been married for decades, who are deeply into […]

Issuing 1099-M

Today TaxMama  hears from Carol in the TaxQuips Forum who wants to know, “Are there consequences to issuing 1099-Ms to contractors in October instead of the last of February?”

Ask TaxMama Issue 571 – He Did Not Quit?

Dear Family,  The news is buzzing this week about Robert Rizzo, the City Manager of Bell who is being investigated and prosecuted for his outrageous compensation levels. He’s offended by all the hostile news coverage and being treated like a pinata.  Even though, last June when the scandal hit the air, the news blasted that […]