Author Archives: TaxMama

Ask TaxMama Issue 577 – Pre-Thanksgiving

Dear Family,  What a nice way to start the day. I just heard from Rasmussen College this morning. They just published their list of the 20 best blogs for accounting students. Delightfully, TaxMama and many of my friends are on the list. But there are others I’ve never heard of – and will look forward […]

2010 IRSAC Report Made Available

Washington — The Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC) issued its annual report today during a public meeting held in Washington, DC, delivering a report with a series of recommendations on a wide range of tax administration issues. IRSAC made several recommendations based on its findings and discussions, in some of the following areas: Procedures […]

Keeping Medical Bills Down

Recently a friend told me that she is paying more for her share of the company’s health insurance. Several others have had the same complaint. We all through Obama’s Health Care plan would reduce our costs, based on the concept of  ‘economies of scale.“ Well then, the best way to keep our medical costs low is to stay […]

Bahamas Inheritance

Today TaxMama hears from Joe in the TaxQuips Forum, with this odd tale. “My cousin’s wife whose [missing word] was born in Canada and is also a U.S. citizen will be receiving about $150,000 inheritance from her father’s estate. My cousin and his wife live in the US. Her parents are Canadian citizens. Her father, […]

2011 Tax Cuts

Today TaxMama wants to address the year-end tax stalemate in the U.S. Legislature. Dear Family, It’s SOS Time  – time to step up and Save YourSelves! It’s time to let your legislators know how you feel! You want definitive legislation before the year ends – not pushed into next year. The nation is angry. People […]

Not a Good Marketing Strategy

My email just contained a happy announcement. Mrs Fields is having a Fall Clearance Sale!   Doesn’t that sound totally appetizing? It brings to my mind luscious pictures of a warehouse filled with mouldering boxes of stale and rat-infested cookies, crumbling under the weight of dust and cobwebs. Silly me. I always thought Mrs. Fields made fresh […]

Selling Inheritance at a Loss

Today TaxMama hears from Liz in the TaxQuips Forum with this interesting situation. “My father’s cousin passed away and I inherited part of his home.  The executrix of the estate said that since the home sold for less than it was appraised for on the date of his death, we each may be able to […]

Corporate Net Operating Losses

Today TaxMama hears from Monty in the TaxQuips Forum, who needs help. Let me paraphrase his question. “When a corporation has net operating losses (NOL) for two years in a row, 2008 and 2009, how do you handle carrying back the NOLs?” Dear Monty, When you have a large net operating loss, you may be […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 576 – Sleepy Weekend

Dear Family,  It’s November. Government offices were closed yesterday for Veteran’s Day, and are open again today. We’ve gotten spoiled with our Federal holidays landing on Mondays so we can have a long weekend.  It’s odd to celebrate an event, however solemn, then have to go back to work the next day. In fact, California’s […]

IRS Announces 2011 VITA Grant Recipients

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced it has awarded more than million in matching grants to support its Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Under the VITA Grant Program, the IRS awarded matching grants to 177 organizations that will offer free tax preparation services during the 2011 filing season at locations in all 50 […]

The Important Things in Life

I planted some bird seed.  A bird came up. Now I don’t know  what to feed prelone online no prescription ~~~ I had amnesia once — or twice. ~~~ I went to San Francisco .  I found someone’s heart. Now what? ~~~ Protons have mass?  I didn’t even know they were levaquin […]

Short Sale, Now What?

Today TaxMama hears from Toki in the TaxQuips Forum, with a problem, “I bought my house in 2005 and it is now upside down. I decided to try and have my loan redone and got shafted out of $4,000, having a third party to do it for me. I stopped making my payments and I […]