Author Archives: TaxMama

Sales Tax Expense

Today TaxMama hears from Sirian in the TaxQuips Forum with a concern. He says, “I am an Internet marketer & web developer.  I have always collected state sales tax for my clients in my state (Texas).  When filing my Federal taxes I usually include the full income (including all state sales tax collected) in the reported […]

IRS Commissioner Shulman to Review Innocent Spouse Rules

Courtesy of NAEA IRS Commissioner Shulman sent two identical letters to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) in response to the April 18 Senate and House letters sent to the commissioner expressing concern on the two-year limit on the innocent spouse rules. In the April 18 letters to IRS, […]

IRS Free CPE Courses Coming up

Courtesy of IRS The Examination Process for Employment Tax Returns The June 22 IRS Live broadcast will cover the employment tax examination process, taxpayer rights, settlement agreements and payment options. ewers will learn from IRS and industry experts what to expect from an employment tax examination including information about: Examination process Statute of limitations Examination […]

IRS Seek Public Input on Certain Employer Provisions of the Affordable Care Act

Courtesy of IRS WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service today requested public comment on issues relating to the shared responsibility provisions included in the Affordable Care Act that will apply to certain employers starting in 2014.

TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable – April 2011 Session

TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable is a monthly live discussion open to all TaxMama Family Members and above, and all TaxMama’s EA Exam and Solving the Tax Puzzle Students. REPLAY today’s session below – you can listen and SEE the session and forms. It will load slowly…perhaps finasteride canada no prescription But it will load

Trust Fund Penalty

Today TaxMama hears from Steve in the TaxQuips Forum with a big problem. He says, “The IRS wants me to sign a trust fund recovery form accepting personal responsibility for corporate 941 back taxes. They are making this a requirement as part of a full pay installment agreement. They are telling me that they will […]

Wrong Address

Today TaxMama hears from Jose in the TaxQuips Forum with this distressing canada aciphex online no prescription He says, “My brother in-law made a mistake on his income tax return envelope by writing the wrong address on it. It was mailed on the 17Th of April, but since there was an error on […]

IRA Question

Today TaxMama hears from Mike in the TaxQuips Forum with this question. He says, “My IRA’s expire in 12 months. Can I move them to a Roth without paying taxes or penalties or re-invest in 6 month CD?buy canada zoloft online no prescription “

Taxes for Helping a Friend

Today TaxMama hears from Gayle in the TaxQuips Forum with a common misconception. She asks, “Do I have to become a business to write off expenses on my taxes? I make a product for a friend of mine. I buy all the materials. I do this to help their family business. They pay me for […]