Author Archives: TaxMama

Long Term Care Insurance

Today TaxMama® hears from Connie in the TaxQuips Forum with an excellent question. “I have a long term care insurance policy that I took out last year. This insurance is to cover you if you are put in a nursing home or other type of care facility; it is not long term disability insurance. I […]

Warning to Co-signers

Today TaxMama® hears from Toni in the TaxQuips Forum with this sad problem. “I volunteer with AARP Tax-Aide. Last week a taxpayer brought in a 1099-C with his other papers. It turns out he had co-signed for a vehicle. When the vehicle ‘owner’ disappeared, the lienholder collected a reduced amount from the co-signer. It was […]

The Basics: Why is there a NonProfit Tax Status?

The intricacies of nonprofit finance: solicitations, donations, gifts, pledges, 990, 1099, annuities, acknowledgements, meaningful budgets and reports make this topic rich with possibilities. You’re panting, now aren’t you?

Personal Residence Exclusion after Death

Today TaxMama® hears from Tina in the TaxQuips Forum with this convoluted question. “A person has resided in the same one-family residence in for the last ten years without any children or wife. This person was bound into an estate contract to sell his residence for $800,000 in November, 2011 when his tax basis in […]

Reporting Sales Tax Collected on Personal Return

Today TaxMama® hears from Della in the TaxQuips Forum with this brief question. “I live in California and I am an online seller. I have received a Form 1099 K. Where do I report my sales tax that I should have collected from California buyers? The question is where do I report this information on […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 634 – Happy St Patty Weekend

Dear Family, Out here in the Valley, the day looks dark and gloomy. That in-between time, when the world is trying to decide whether or not to rain. The birds and squirrels seem to love it. Lots of fluttering around  (birds) and frolicking (squirrels).  Rick just called and said he’s taken a busload of children […]

Winners – Fourth Week – TaxMama’s Ultimate Tax Nerd Contest

The Fourth weekly winners in TaxMama’s search for the Ultimate Tax Nerd of 2012 are: Clint Masser wins again with It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane. Caroline Lees for Like Talking to a Stone

Tax Rules May Affect Your Child’s Investment Income

Courtesy of the IRS Parents may not realize that there are tax rules that may affect their child’s investment income. The IRS offers the following four facts to help parents determine whether their child’s investment income will be taxed at the parents’ rate or the child’s rate. 1. Investment income Children with investment income may […]

Converting LLC to QJV

Today TaxMama® hears from Gary in the TaxQuips Forum with this tale. “During 2011 my wife and son-in-law formed an LLC in the State of Indiana. During 2011, no income was received, and only expenses were incurred as part of the start-up. Last week our son-in-law decided that he no longer is interested in being […]

Paying Double SS Tax

Today TaxMama® hears from Stanton in the TaxQuips Forum with this scenario. “A person by June 2012 will have earned $110,200 as an employee, with the maximum Social Security deducted. Then that person becomes an independent contractor for the balance of 2012. Is this person subject to the SS tax for the additional compensation over […]