When I was poor and working my way though college at night, I got low-paying, part-time jobs, doing bookkeeping, writing by hand, into a journal and ledgers. I worked forty hours a week, had time to get two college degrees. And still had my weekends free. I owned a house, had savings and a car, free and clear.
I had time for family and friends.
After college, earning double the income, I learned to prepare tax returns and books using the handwritten coding method with batch input by computer clerks.
They would produce nice, neat financial reports and tax returns, assembled with all the envelopes, etc., ready to mail to clients. I was a good sport about the hours I had to keep – 10 hour days and occasional weekends. I owned a house and had some credit card debt, and a car loan, too. Still had some time for family and friends.
Then came PCs with 10 MB of hard drive and tax software I could use in-house. We got tax returns done more quickly – and had to buy heavy duty copy/collator machines and hire extra help to proof, copy, and assemble the returns. I hired out the computer maintenance, set-ups and installs.
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Then I was working about 10-12 hours/day at least 4-6 days each week. I was making double the money again.
Less left over. Owned a smaller house, mortgage, car loan and heavy debt. Had time for family.
Now, I earn double the income again. All my software is in-house and online. I live on the Internet. I can create audios and videos. My laptop has about 5 GB. Backing up and de-fragging can take forever. I need two or three people to help me. Operating costs are double again. Computer and software maintenance, updates, patches, installs and fixes, fixes, fixes take up about 1/3 of my time. So, I spend even less time in productive work. After costs, net profits are lower than ever, so more time has to go into generating more income to cover the overhead.
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I only have to work from 4:15 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.And from 10:00 p.m. to about midnight.
Time for family…friends? I vaguely remember having some. Outside? Where’s that?
Aren’t you pleased with your labor and money saving devices?
I’ll be smashing my computer and releasing my chains.
Really soon.
Well…maybe later, when I have time.

Courtesy of Eva Rosenberg, EA, Your TaxMama
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