Dear Family,
What an exciting week.
The Senate produced their version of the stimulus package. The House signed off on it. Now, it’s sitting on President Bush’s desk to pass into law. Once that happens, refunds should be heading your way in a couple of months. Perhaps in time for spring! (Or in time to pay your taxes?)
New concept in books – Subscribe to Tax Book!
Blake Warrington launched the new website www.HomeBusinessTaxCuts.com which bundles my new e-book The 100% Home-Based Business Tax Cut Solution with Bob Whitaker’s Tax MiniMiser. That’s a pretty ambitious title, isn’t it? Well, this e-book is going to earn its name. Whenever readers tell me anything is missing, I’ll add it to the e-book. And all who’ve subscribed to it will be able to download the COMPLETE new book, with all the additions, tax changes and updates until the end of each year. Naturally, to support all this work, you’ll need to renew your subscription each year – to get the new updates – and another years worth of Tax MiniMisers.
[Note to Tax Pros: This is a terrific tool for those clients who are always peppering you with questions, but don’t plan to pay for your time.]
So, we’ve had a major swoop of primary elections. Lots of good people have backed out of the race. The Republican Party is not happy with their front-runner. As a result, they will either back down and support McCain half-heartedly, or they will nominate their own choice at the Convention. Either way, this does not bode well for Republicans.
Democrats, on the other hand, have what appears (on the surface) to be a close race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. (On the surface – because the Clintons have huge support among the Super Delegates.) Way back at the beginning I told you – if Hillary and Obama team up on one ticket – they will win the White House. (Whether this is a good result or not is not the point. It’s simply a reality.)
You’ll find lots more information about the presidential race at CNN’s Election Center https://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/
MARKETWATCH has lots of coverage on the Stimulus package and more. See my summary of the high points of this week’s Tax Resource
Money Funnies this week includes a lesson in elocution – to help you get ready for your own Tax Laugh entry
TaxQuips this week covers student loans, injured spouse, AMT Twists, 10-year averaging – and compliance. You’ll also find terrific advice and clarification from the Pros!
IRS News is filled with goodies. You can hear IRS Theresa Branscome in an audio interview about new tools and features on the IRS website; an overview of tax law changes affecting 2007; learn what to do if you’re missing a W-2 or 1099.
Don’t forget the Cruise!
Join California NATP on the Recharge Your Battery Tax Cruise
You’ll find the details, reservation forms and even passport forms here
As always, we love your feedback, opinions and ideas.
You are what makes all this fun – and interesting!
Please use the Comments link online.
Hugs from your favorite TaxNerd,
Eva Rosenberg, EA
Your TaxMama is watching…out for you.
02.15.2008 File new W-4 with Employer if you claimed exempt last year
02.17.2008 (My clients) Get Corp Data to me if you want to file without extension
02.29.2008 Mortgage Interest file Form 1098s with IRS
02.29.2008 File W-2’s with Social Security Admin
02.29.2008 File 1099’s with IRS
02.29.2008 File City of L.A. Business License/Tax Form
Keep your Resolutions:
Here’s a well-thought-out e-book to help you start the
year off properly. It contains a place for you to
list your promises to yourself – and lots of tools to
help you achieve your goals.
Download the book here (just use your e-mail address in this e-mail, so you can avoid subscribing to
my newsletters twice.)
Feel free to share this link with your friends, your clients and your mailing list.
Explore Simpleology 101 – It includes set of step-by-step daily missions for you to follow to get more focused and become more successful this year.
You can check them off as you go.
Audio and Video Training
Is 2008 the year you learn to put use audio and video
on your websites or online? Here are some excellent
no-cost training opportunities. All you need is time.
Join David at AudioAcrobat.com
Join SuccessNet.org for free and you’ll be able to give Michael Angier’s ‘101 Best Year-End and New Year Questions’ to everyone you know. It’s an excellent way to open a dialog with those close to you – and to ensure that 2008 will be a great year.
ThinkGeek has some wonderful, unusual stuff, including something very like a Dick Tracy watch – a touchscreen cell phone PDA watch. They also have the USB Memory watch that holds 2GB of data. Just click on Holiday Mega Deals.
Open your own Zazzle account and create personalized
gifts to your family and friends. You still have time
to get things delivered before Chanukah ends. Really.
You don’t need to use my designs – use your own photos and artwork.
Join SuccessNet.org (FREE!) and you’ll be able
to give Michael Angier’s ‘101 Best Year-End and New
Year Questions’ to everyone you know. It’s an excellent
way to open a dialog with those close to you – and to
ensure that 2008 will be a great year. And there’s no
charge for this gift at all.
Need a Corp, LLC, Registered Agent
Incorp Services Inc. in Nevada – DISCOUNT
20% off on formation services.
Similar discounts on Registered Agent services.
Call 800.2.INCORP – use coupon code – TAXMAMA – or
(no code needed)
Summer Family Identity – 3 Choices:
Zazzle – Cafe Press – Queensboro
Since it’s summer, and you’re probably going to be traveling with your family, consider getting matching T-shirts and/or hats.
(DO NOT PUT ANYONE’S NAME ON THEM – you’re just asking strangers to kidnap your children!)
But do put everyone’s picture – so even if you don’t know the local language, you can point to a family member and ask if anyone has seen him or her. Or use a graphic or piece of art you all like. You’ll find three options right here in our SPECIAL DEALS section.
Use your art or others – and customize it
Zazzle your Imagination. Are you a TaxNerd?
Tell everyone – proudly!
Create your own customized Zazzle Apparel, bags or more.
Get volume discounts on orders of 2 or more.
Get extra discounts for yourself and friends after you order.
Stuff for Back to School and Back to Work
Cafe Press is the home of TaxMama’s shops
But you can upload your own art and graphics and unify your family – even your pets.
Get extra discounts for yourself and friends after you order.
WOW DEAL! Embroidery
Wouldn’t you love to get your logo or family crest, or picture or whatever, EMBROIDERED on hats and T-Shirts?
Well, it costs a heck of a lot less than you think.
You can get 12 items for $99! That includes the set-up fees.
Can you believe that? Use Coupon Code PC076c
At the Queensboro Shirt Company
(They have a lot more than shirts – and all sizes)
They do a gorgeous job.
- Ask TaxMama :: Where taxes are fun and answers are free
- www.TaxQuips.com :: The number ONE free tax podcast online
- IRS News :: Missing W-2s and 1099s, overview 2007 tax law changes, updates and tools on IRS site
MarketWatch.com :: Tax Resource
- Money Funnies :: Elocution lesson and Tax Laugh contest
- Job Advice of the Week :: Take Charge of Your Annual Performance Review