Wish Upon A Hero

Today TaxMama hears from Martha in New Jersey, who found something interesting. “I found a website called
www.wishuponahero.com and I bought some clothes for needy people. Is that a tax deductible including shipping?”

Dear Martha,

This looks like a marvelous venture! I hope it grows and spreads.

All about people helping people directly.

When it comes to taxes, though, I don’t see a deduction here. .From everything I read, you send the money or items directly to the folks who need it.

In order for something to be a charitable deduction, the money or items must go to an accredited non-profit organization. https://www.irs.gov/publications/p526/index.html

Read Wish Upon A Hero’s About Us page:


There’s no mention of being a 501(1)(c)(3) status or any other non-profit status.

More odd though, is that on their Frequently Asked Questions page, no one has asked about the deductiblility of these gifts?


Looking at the IRS database of non-profits, Wish Upon a Hero is not in it.


So, go on and be generous. But it’s purely altruistic. There’s no tax deduction here.

And remember, you’ll find answers to lots of questions about non-profit organizations and other tax information, free. Where? At TaxMama.com