Uncashed Check to IRS

Happy Cinqo de Mayo

Today TaxMama hears from Julie in Illinois who stumbled upon this problem. “I discovered a check I apparently failed to mail for federal taxed owed in 2004. I did file, but did not pay. What do I do now?”

Dear Julie,

That’s an interesting dilemma.

Have you been getting notices from IRS about an outstanding balance from 2004?

If not, are you sure you didn’t already pay the balances because you got notices three years ago?

What would I do in your shoes? I’d call IRS and have them look up my account record for 2004 and see if there’s an outstanding balance. Just call 1-800-TAX 1040 or 1-800-829-1040.

That way, you won’t need to lose sleep over this.

I hope I’m right and that you’ve already resolved this!

And remember, you can find answers to all kinds of questions about balances due and other tax issues, free. Where? Where else? At TaxMama.com

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