Living Organ Donor Credit

Today TaxMama hears from Mark in Albany, NY with a thought-provoking question. “Is there a living donor organ transplant credit that is allowed for 2008?”

Dear Mark,

That is a great question!

And you’re right. There should be a credit for people who are brave enough and generous enough to donate an organ to someone in desperate need.

But I’ve never heard of such a credit. And doing a search of the IRS website, there are no results leading to information about a credit.

However, you are able to take a deduction for any unreimbursed medical expenses you have, including travel for the testing and the actual transplant. Of course, any mileage or local transportation, parking, etc. are deductible, too.

While there are useful resources for organ donors at the National Living Donor Assistance Center. They don’t mention anything about a tax credit, either.

Perhaps one of our tax pros knows something I don’t. Keep an eye today’s TaxQuip. Perhaps you’ll see some replies in the comments. I seem to remember that someone has dealt with this issue before – but can’t remember who it was.

And remember, you can find answers to all kinds of questions about organ donors and other tax issues, free. Where? Where else? At

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