Tag Archives: Taxation in the United States

Deducting Business Car

Today TaxMama hears from Michael in the TaxQuips Forum who wants clarification. “I drive a lot. Is there a maximum dollar amount I may deduct for my vehicle expenses?”

Out of State Income

Today TaxMama hears from Bruce in the TaxQuips Forum with this hopeful question.buy uk zithromax online www.mabvi.org/wp-content/languages/new/uk/zithromax.html no prescription http://klassroom.co/files/migration/new/how-to-write-a-lit-essay.html “I have a sole proprietorship based in CA.  During 2010 one of my customers was located in Texas and I traveled to Texas to provide services.  Should I report the income I earned from the […]

Capital Gains Rates

Today TaxMama hears from TW in the TaxQuips Forum who wants an update. “Does any one know how much is the tax on stocks gains and dividends earned from stock.”

Ask TaxMama 580 – The Votes are In

Dear Family, Join me soon. I will be visiting Gina and Kat at the Moms Making a Million Radio Show Friday 8:00 AM PT www.blogtalkradio.com/momsmakingamillion . If you missed the show, you can listen later. This is a delightful site dedicated to helping a million moms make a million dollars. Don’t you want to be […]

We Have Bush-Era Extenders

Just to get the law passed last night, the House agreed to the Senate’s version of the extender bill. But they limited the benefits for two years, giving them time to improve on the balancing act and refine the benefits. Let me give you a brief summary of things that affect your life.

TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable – December Session

Note:  TaxMama’s Tax Roundtable is a monthly live discussion open to all TaxMama Family Members and above, and all TaxMama’s EA Exam and Solving the Tax Puzzle Students. Don’t you wish you were here?http://klassroom.co/files/migration/new/personal-statements-for-law-school.html REPLAY today’s session below – you can listen and SEE the session and forms

IRS Expands Use of Twitter to Help Taxpayers, Tax Professionals

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service announced the availability of expanded Twitter feeds to share timely information with taxpayers and the tax professional community. The IRS Twitter news feed, @IRSnews, provides the latest federal tax news and information for taxpayers. The focus of the IRS Twitter messages will be on easy-to-use information, including tax tips, […]

Renting For Filming

Today TaxMama hears from York in the TaxQuips Forum, who has found an interesting income source. “We just received our first contract for our 1916 home to be used for a commercial.https://drugeriemarket.co.uk/wp-content/languages/new/acyclovir.html The shoot lasts 3 days and we will receive $9,000 – cool! It seems that the IRS (and somewhere on your site) state […]

Exempt Organization News

During yesterday’s IRS Stakeholder Relations meeting, we were treated to some information from Joyce Hoover, IRS’s Exempt Organization Group’s Senior Technical Advisor.buy vidalista generic newonlineandblo.com over the counter She’s been working with exempt organizations for about 19 years…so she’s lived through the history and development of this department.  

Investing Through A Friend

Today TaxMama hears from Brent in the TaxQuips Forum, with an exciting opportunity. “I have been approached by a friend I trust (personally, not on the fine points of tax law) about investing in a pre-IPO stock of a foreign company that will be listed on a US exchange.  Two problems. First, I would invest […]

Getting Married Now or Later

Today TaxMama hears from Robyn in the TaxQuips Forum, who needs to make a decision. Essentially, it boils down to should my boyfriend and I get married this year or not, in order to get the best tax advantage. They have a child together – and one that is just hers. Read the details here. […]

Donating Real Estate

Today TaxMama hears from Peggi in the TaxQuips Forum, with this problem. “I have a rental house that is in a distressed area.  I cannot get it rented, it keeps getting broken into.https://www.ncil4rehab.com/wp-content/languages/new/cymbalta.html   I can donate the house to the LRA for a tax credit.buy plavix online https://nashvillegab.com/wp-content/languages/new/plavix.html no prescription   Would this be […]