Tag Archives: Retirement

Unemployment IRAs

Today TaxMama hears from Tom in Oklahoma, who’s had a bad year. “Due to unemployment and high child support payments, I’ve had to draw money from my IRAs. I know the exclusions for penalty purposes…but is there anything else I’m missing to avoid the penalty. For instance, suppose I owe taxes this year because no […]

Not Alimony

Today TaxMama hears from Lorrie in New York who just got a sudden shock, “My divorce settlement of 2004 clearly states that neither party can make a claim for maintenance or spousal support. I do get 1/2 the net of my former husband’s retirement pension. The State deducts our taxes on the full amount, before […]

Retirement Plan OverContributed

Today TaxMama hears from Melanie in Louisiana, who tells us, “We received a 2005 1099 R with a distribution code of P because our 401K at work was “lopsided” . The form said we should file an amended return both state and federal for 2004, which we did by April 15. Now we are receiving […]

Retirement Refund

Today TaxMama hears from Gordon in Maryland who tells us, “I have a problem with a 401K distribution that I rolled over to an IRA in March of 2004. I had this 401K with a previous employer and left the money in the account after I terminated employment with the company. When I saw a […]

401(k) Penalty

Today TaxMama hears from Don of Starkville, MA wants to know, “I was told that if you were laid off from a job and withdrew your money from your 401K, you did not have to pay the 10% early withdrawal penalty only the federal and state taxes on the money.” and Another reader remarks, “I […]