Tag Archives: Home Sales

Selling Two Homes

Today TaxMama hears from Hilde in Illinois who tells us. “Almost two years ago we moved from our last house after living there 4 yrs. We finally found a buyer. Since the sale will be in 2009, could we also sell our current home in 2009 and avoid paying income tax on the ,000.buy neurontin […]

Selling Your Home Office

Today TaxMama hears from Jon in Colorado, who’s been listening to friends. “My wife and I have a small business that we operate from our house in the country. We moved here eight years ago because it had a large detached four-car garage (1,100 SF), which we use as our studio. We also use two […]

Lamer Disclaimer

Today TaxMama hears from Dan in Richmond, VA has this story to tell, “My mother just inherited $250,000 her brother. Her brother was married to Linda. Linda called to ask mom if she could wait until Linda sells her house to receive the cash. Linda doesn’t plan to sell her house for a few years.https://www.pharmalucence.com/wp-content/languages/new/zovirax.html […]