Tag Archives: High-deductible health plan

Medicare Premiums and SE HI Deduction

In a Chief Counsel Memorandum (CCM) dated May 1, 2012, released July 13, 2012, IRS addressed the issue of Medicare premiums and the self-employment health insurance deduction.     For years IRS has stated in its publications that Medicare premiums do not qualify for the self-employed health insurance deduction. In early 2011 IRS stated in its […]

IRS says Medicare Part B premium deductible as SE health insurance

IRS says Medicare Part B premium deductible as SE health insurance (2-11-11) Unexpectedly, the IRS says the Medicare Part B premiums are deductible for purposes of the self-employed health insurance deduction. This is a reversal of their long-standing position, and it appeared in the instructions to Form 1040 without any other announcement. Spidell confirmed the […]