NOTE: This opportunity has expired. See the comment after this post. Or… Today TaxMama wants to alert you to a potential summer refund available to you. This is important news for frequent travelers! This could be worth a lot of money to you.
Tag Archives: Federal telephone excise tax
Today TaxMama hears from Mark in Pennsylvania, with a good question. “Is the Child Tax Credit of $1000 per child still in effect for 2010? I have 5 kids that qualify for the credit and I changed my W-4 to exempt several years ago since I continue to get a large refund. I need to […]
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is looking for 115,478 taxpayers who are due refund checks worth about $110 million after the checks were returned as undeliverable. The refund checks, averaging about $953, can be claimed as soon as taxpayers update their addresses with the IRS. Some taxpayers have more than one check waiting. “Taxpayers […]
Phone Customers Can Still Request Excise Tax Refund, IRS Says Courtesy of IRS IR-2007-144 WASHINGTON — Telephone customers can still request this year’s one-time excise tax refund, according to the Internal Revenue Service. Most phone customers, including most cell-phone users, qualify for the refund. The refund covers the three-percent tax paid on long-distance and bundled […]
Today TaxMama hears from Dianne in the Tax Parlor, who has a long, complicated question about the new Telephone Excise Tax Refund. Her question is probably a lot like yours. So, we’ll summarize it here – and you can read the details in the Tax Parlor, OK? ” Over the years, we a variety of […]