Category Archives: IRS – Information

IRS Collections Agencies

Today TaxMama hears from Brent Clanton on the BizRadio Network in Texas, who wants to know about the new program IRS has instituted, contracting out collections services to private collections agencies. [Note: We will be adding the audio once we get the feed from the BizRadio Network later today.]

AMT- Well Over-Taxed

Yesterday we talked about the tax-free life. Today TaxMama hears from Mary in CT, who feels overtaxed. She says, “Can you explain the AMT. How does one qualify for it? My husband and I have a decent combined income (we work long days and my husband works two jobs) but we also pay a bundle […]

Fight or Pay

Today TaxMama hears from John in New York, who has this complaint. “I have two IRS lien releases that were sent to NYC register’s office for official filing on their ACRIS website records. They have failed to add them to their database, despite two visits to registers office. Now, they want $40 from me and […]

California Here I GO

Today TaxMama hears from Tom in MO, who wants to know. “Is there a good procedural manual out there to make it thru the California Franchise Tax Board’s (FTB) Offer in Compromise routine? They are requesting $13K in back taxes, which isn’t doable since I no longer live in CA. I live in MO. I […]

So Much Taxes Info

Today TaxMama hears from Gloria in Illinois, who is overwhelmed. “There is so much info out there about taxes, money. But if I never read another news article or ever went to another website, would I be able to find everything I need to know about taxes on your site? I have too much info […]

39 Weeks

Today TaxMama hears from Monica, who just moved. “My husband and I moved 600 miles away from his last employer in December of ‘05. His new job is a different corporation. He was unemployed from December 16th ‘05 – February 16th ‘06. And he’s been working ever since. My question is – are we eligible […]

Changing IRS Collection Policy

Today TaxMama wants to talk about a disturbing IRS policy. It’s based on this question from a reader – “The IRS is wanting to garnish my wages for back taxes from 1998. My ex and I are both responsible, but he is claiming self employment, living with a very wealthy girlfriend. So IRS is coming […]

Eminent Domain

Today TaxMama hears from Penny in Kansas who asks. “If a gas station owner is forced by the government to sell part of his property so a street can be widened, is that considered involuntary conversion? Eminent domain? Do you know how this situation should be treated tax-wise?”

Cracking the Tax Code

Today TaxMama hears from Tom in Florida who wants to know, “Does there exist a “codex” of the IRS tax code by section and with a brief description or synopsis of what each code relates to? I’d like to get at least one of those “codex”-type reference guides if you or anyone else knows how […]

Keeping Records

Today TaxMama hears from Susan in Houston, TX who wants to know, “How long do I need to retain my back up tax documents that support my tax return?