Category Archives: Child Credit

Dependents and Re-Marrying

Today TaxMama hears from Denise in NJ, who wants to know. “If a couple gets a divorce, and the woman gets to take the children as dependents in lieu of alimony, what happens if she remarries and does not hold a job any longer? Can she file jointly with her new husband and still use […]

Ex-Sisterly Love

Today TaxMama hears from Maria from NJ, who says, “I have been out of the country for nine years and a stay at home mom. I recently had my bank accounts levied, where the only money deposited is child support directly from the New Jersey Child Support Offices. My account was levied because apparently my […]

Divorce Payments

Today TaxMama hears from Gary in Missouri, who tells us “I am a retired military man and the judge gave my ex-wife one half of my retirement check…actually, I lose 55%, including child support. Is any of that deductible from my taxes?”

Appealing Dad

Today TaxMama hears from Ron in Jacksonville, FL who tells us. “When I filed my 2004 taxes I miscalculated and the IRS sent the Division of Child Support my 00 refund. I was audited and now the IRS wants the $3000 back plus $500. Can I appeal this and is it worth it.”

Child Care Credit

Today TaxMama hears from Julia from Avon, CO who tells us “I am a contract laborer as a mental health consultant in preschools. I have two children in childcare in order to work. But, as I am preparing my taxes it doesn’t show that I receive a child -care credit because I did not receive […]

Innocent Spouse v Ex-Spouse

Today TaxMama hears from Betty in Ridgland, MS, who’s upset. “My ex-husband owes me back child support and his present wife has filed a tax relief form called “injured spouse”. If I receive this check for my back child support and she is granted this “relief”, where do I stand on getting my back child […]

Grandson Proof

Today TaxMama hears Rozey’s tale of woe, “In May of 2003, my married daughter with a 4 year old son left her husband and moved in with me. During the entire year and a half she lived here with her child, she was lucky if her husband sent a total of $200 for their support […]

EIC Dilemma

Today KC in AZ is worried “My ex and I have joint custody of our son. He’s with each of us the same amount of time (every other week), and we alternate claiming him on taxes each year. This year I am claiming him (my first time) and may qualify for EIC w/ qualifying child. […]

Whose Child is This?

Today Christine from Sylvester, GA is being threatened by her ex-husband. “My daughter wanted to spend a year with her father, so I agreed she could go. In our divorce, I have full custody and he has visitation with child support (1993). She was not happy there and came back home at the end of […]

I am my Own Dependent

Today Kelly from college wants to know, “If a parent claims a child as a dependent on their taxes, is that parent legally required to support the child financially, in any way? And what is the legal definition of a dependent? I’m a college student and my parents claim me on their taxes, but refuse […]