Category Archives: *AskTaxMama Newsletter


Taxpayer Identity Issues

A blonde female IRS auditor drops in on the business of a blonde female. The IRS auditor asks the blonde businessowner for some ID. The blonde searches through her purse in vain. Finally she asks, “What does it look like?buy ivermectin online no prescription ” The blonde IRS auditor tells her, “It’s that […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 517 – Admit You’re Happy

Dear Family, This is Admit You’re Happy Month. So I challenge you to take a really honest look at your life and your day. Let’s face it, you’re in pretty good shape. You’re healthier than the next zshlob. You’ve got a roof over your head, and you’ve got enough food to keep you alive. If […]

IRS to Receive Unprecedented Amount of Information in UBS Agreement

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Justice today announced the successful negotiation of an agreement that will result in the IRS receiving an unprecedented amount of information on United States holders of accounts at the Swiss bank UBS. As a result of this agreement, the IRS will receive substantially all of […]

Why Golf is Such a Superb Sport

The following is not intended to offend fans of tennis, basketball, football, baseball , or hockey. It is, rather, an attempt to put everything in its proper perspective. Ever wonder why golf is growing in popularity and why people who don’t even play go to tournaments or watch it on TV? The following truisms may […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 516 – How Sewing Machines Changed the World

Dear Family, I want to thank the National Association of Enrolled Agents for honoring TaxMama® (or Eva Rosenberg) their 2009 Excellence in Public Awareness Award – for letter the world know about Enrolled Agents and what we do. Let’s face it, EAs are the best friend of the average taxpayer – especially the small businessowner. […]

IRS Seeks New Issues for the Industry Issue Resolution Program

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service is encouraging business taxpayers, associations and other interested parties to submit to the Industry Issue Resolution (IIR) Program tax issues for resolution that involve a controversy, dispute or an unnecessary burden on business taxpayers. The objective of the IIR program is to resolve through issuance of new and improved […]

For Many Small Businesses, Fall Filing Deadline Looms for Special Refund Claims

WASHINGTON — Time is running out for many small businesses wishing to take advantage of the expanded business loss carryback option included in this year’s recovery law, the Internal Revenue Service said today. Eligible individuals have until tadalafil online no prescription 15 to choose this expanded carryback aciphex online no prescription […]

What Is Embarrasing To You Isn’t Even Remembered By Others

Dr. Epstein was a renowned physician who earned his undergraduate, graduate, and medical degrees in his home town and then left for Manhattan, where he quickly rose to the top of his field. Soon he was invited to deliver a significant paper, at a conference, coincidentally held in his home town. He walked on stage […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 515 – Happy Tax-Free Season

Dear Family, Every summer around this time, states all over America offer special tax-free days. These are weeks or weekends when families can buy their back-to-school supplies, and certain other needed merchandise, without having to pay sales taxes. Clicking on today’s graphic will take you to the national list. Just look for your states. On […]

Top Ten Things Every Taxpayer Should Know about Identity Theft

Courtesy of IRS Criminals use many methods to steal personal information from taxpayers. They can use your information to steal your identity and file a tax return in order to receive a refund. Here are ten things the IRS wants you to know about identity theft so you can avoid becoming the victim of a […]

SBA Program Offers Recovery Capital to Stressed Small Businesses

Courtesy of the SBA If your small business is stressed meeting expenses during these tough economic times, the U.S. Small Business Administration has a new loan program that may help. SBA’s America’s Recovery Capital Loan Program can provide up to $35,000 in short-term relief for viable small businesses facing immediate financial hardship to help ride […]

The Medical Stimulus Package in a Nutshell

Apparently the American Medical Association has weighed in on the new economic stimulus package, as follows: The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of uk stromectol […]