Author Archives: TaxMama

White House Releases New Tax Proposal Regarding Estate and Gift Taxes

Courtesy of NAEA’s E@lert The plan would require “consistent valuation [of property] for transfer and income tax purposes.” According to the White House, the estate and gift tax provisions would raise . 2 billion over ten years. Taxpayers would be obligated to report the same cost basis for inherited property for the purposes of […]

Sometimes It’s Not Depression

George Farthing, an expatriate British man living in America, was recently diagnosed as clinically depressed, tanked up on anti-depressants and scheduled for controversial Shock Therapy when doctors realised he wasn’t depressed at all – only British. ‘Not depressed, just British’ Mr Farthing, a British man whose characteristic pessimism and gloomy perspective were interpreted as serious […]

Team Sponsorship

Today TaxMama hears from Stacy in California with this situation. “My husband runs a travel softball team and we allowed the players to get sponsors. The rule was that the first 25% of the sponsorship went to the team; and the other amount went to their individual accounts. We have a player who did this, […]

Roth Reinvesting Error

Today TaxMama hears from Sylvia in Texas with a problem. “In 1998 my husband converted his IRA holdings to a Roth account. The brokerage company continues to place dividends in a MM account saying they have no record of his wanting the dividends reinvested and it’s too late now. Unfortunately, our records were on thermal […]

Paid for Medical Studies

Today TaxMama hears from Charles in Arizona with this situation. “It seems that no one has an answer to my question. Last year, I participated in a medical study and earned approximately. $4,300. Now I am trying to determine how to approach the 1099-MISC the clinic sent me. The income is in the Other income […]

Clients in Other States

Today TaxMama hears from Fred in Illinois who wants to know. “I’m thinking about opening a mortgage adjusting business. My clients might be from another state. What do I do about a local business license?”

Ask TaxMama Issue 504 – A Chip off the Old Block

Dear Family, This has been a very busy week handling all the registrations for the EA Exam Review class – and teaching the CSEA webinar on the topic. For those wanting the CD from that webinar, CSEA expects to have it available next week. Just call them to order Everything You Ever Wanted to Know […]

IRS Handling of Levies

TIGTA has publicly released its audit report titled: “Fiscal Year 2009 Statutory Review of Compliance With Legal Guidelines When Issuing Levies.” IMPACT ON TAXPAYERS The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998 requires the IRS to notify taxpayers at least 30 calendar days before initiating any levy action to give taxpayers an […]

Rental Donation

Today TaxMama hears from Brian in Georgia with an interesting symbicort online no prescription “We have a second home (cabin) where our family hangs out from time to time but it is not on a rental program of any zoloft online no prescription If I were to donate a week or […]

Tax Debt While Buying Home

Today TaxMama hears from Monica in California with a problem. “My husband and I would like to buy our first home, since the local housing prices are currently at rock bottom. However, we owe approximately ,000 between the IRS and Franchise Tax Board. We pay $200 a month to FTB and $300 a month to […]

Manufactured Home

Today TaxMama hears from Larry in Texas with an interesting question. “My son and his wife purchased a manufactured home this year that is located on land in my name. Would they qualify as a ‘’first-time home buyer’’ in the 2009 program?”