Today TaxMama hears from Pradeep, who just got back from a wonderful, full weekend of family wedding festivities. This reminds me of all the delightful weddings coming up this summer – in the lives of all our families and friends. So let’s talk about marriage and money.
Author Archives: TaxMama
Today TaxMama hears from Felicia who is upset. “My mother and I bought a home two years ago; but both of us lost our jobs and are on unemployment. For some reason, when she was doing her taxes with her tax lady, my mother ended up owing almost $1,000.00. Why would that happen if she […]
Dear Family, Do you ever have one of those days? Things were going so well this morning. I was getting a lot done. But, there was this article I’ve been working on all week, and I just simply wasn’t satisfied with it. It was boring. So, thinking it would only take me about an hour […]
Affordable Care Act Provides Expanded Tax Benefit to Health Professionals Working in Underserved Areas WASHINGTON — As part of a larger Administration announcement on efforts to strengthen the health care workforce, the Internal Revenue Service today announced that under the Affordable Care Act health care professionals who received student loan relief under state programs that […]
Remember when… All of the girls had ugly gym uniforms? It took five minutes for the TV to warm up? Nobody owned a purebred dog? When a quarter was a decent allowance?
Today TaxMama hears from Al Tompkins at . Al says, “I generally don’t get too excited about little movements in interest or mortgage rates, but they are moving into record-low territory. It could truly be worth considering refinancing if you are going to stay in your home awhile.”
Today TaxMama hears from Kerry Tomlinson at KATU News in Portland, Oregon. Kerry tell us. “We heard from some viewers this morning about their experiences with the homebuyer tax credit. One woman says she was disqualified because she was deducting mortgage interest on an RV as a second home. She has fought it, providing documentation to […]
Today TaxMama hears from Tana from Ventura from the Independent Writers of Southern California (IWOSC) meeting. Tana says. “I had hoped to see what sort of things you actually found important to write in your calendar. I assume this is information a competent and knowledgeable tax professional can convey.”
Today TaxMama hears from Kris from Kentucky in the TaxQuips Forum with a common rant.” My clients opened up their checking accounts (3 out of 4). They set them up without the images or cancelled checks, and their records are at best: horrible. To get the images will cost over $1,000 now, in a time […]
Dear Family, Well, AT&T was out here this week fixing the Internet service they installed last week. Now it’s all running smoothly. But to get one of our computers online, we needed to get an extra hub. Very odd. It seems one port on the main hub seems to create a phantom IP address. (only […]
On June 9th IRS held a teleseminar for the tax community, to clarify some of the issues surrounding the new registration requirements for tax professionals. The event has been archived and will be available on the IRS website in about 2 weeks. Most likely, it will be on IRS’ video website.
ONE Recently, when I went to McDonald’s I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. ‘We don’t have half dozen nuggets,’ said the teenager at the counter. ‘You don’t?’ I replied. ‘We only have six, nine, or twelve,’ […]